Incomplete snapshot saved to /cache/localhost/0/.duplicacy/incomplete backup1 was aborted


Is there a seperate support channel for paid subscription?

Currently using duplicacy on unraid.

I’m not sure I understand what’s going on with this error, the logs are rather unhelpful but my backup keeps failing.

Anyone know what’s going on?

Incomplete snapshot saved to /cache/localhost/0/.duplicacy/incomplete backup1 was aborted

What’s in /var/log/messages and duplicacy_web.log?
It’s probably running out of memory. How much data/how many files do you have and how much free ram is there?


This is being used in docker on unraid

/var/log/messages is empty

Pastbin of other logs

Hope this helps

2022/04/17 03:00:01 Schedule legacy-cloud-backup max run time: 14400 seconds
2022/04/16 07:00:03 Stopped schedule legacy-cloud-backup due to max run time exceeded