Internxt-cli WebDav Issue

Please describe what you are doing to trigger the bug:
GitHub - internxt/cli Unable to connect via WebDav

Please describe what you expect to happen (but doesn’t):
Being able to connect using

Please describe what actually happens (the wrong behaviour):

2024/11/15 19:04:39 Failed to list the directory ‘’: Propfind “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Does that long url supposed to resolve to locahost? Is the service you expect running on a localhost?

It seems like issue is caused by self signed certificate. Is there a UI that allows self-signed certificates?

Failed to list the directory ‘’: Propfind “https://Internxt-CLI:7111/”: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for, not Internxt-CLI

Connection refused is unlikely a certificate issue. Or did you go past the connection issue and how are seeing certificate issue?

Here are similar thread:

The certificate issue shows in the UI. Is there an option to not validate the SSL certificate? Internxt has its own CLI, and WebDAV is running locally, so it’s safe to bypass SSL verification.

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If both run locally you can then disable encryption altogether:

Thanks. Is there a guide to updating duplicacy.json?

I getting error when adding:


            "name": "Internxt",

            "url": "webdav-http://anonymous@",

            "encrypted": true,

            "ras_encrypted": false,

            "erasure_coding": "5:2",

            "credentials": {

                "webdav_password": "anonymousanonymous"


What error are you getting?

Its stating “webdav_password” is not valid option in the config.
Failed to load the configuration file /app/.duplicacy-web/duplicacy.json. Please check the the log file /logs/duplicacy_web.log for detailed information.

When I remove “webdav_password” it works. But I get the following error when creating a backup.

2024-11-17 09:18:54.011 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

It seems to be creating proper directories.

@saspus, do you have any clue how to fix the issue?

Then it’s not a valid option in the config… WebUI is closed source, I don’t know what is and isn’t supported.

409 is not an authentication failure though, it’s some internal state conflict. Perhaps the webdav server exhibits non-standard behaviour, that is not compatible with whatever standard library duplciacy is using.

What happens before it retries? What’s the first failure you see in the logs? you can add -d global flag to see more logging.

Tangential: I took a look at the company you are trying to buy storage from -- I would run, not walk, away from them as fast as possible. From unsubstantiated wrong claims to unsustainable pricing, and horrible software quality -- you don't want to trust them with your backup. Instead, you want something rock solid, so when dust hits the fan your backup is there for you to save the day.

With duplicacy you don’t need features they boast, such as end to end encryption, but features you do need – like durability and reliability – they don’t talk about.

If you use them just because they are cheap – note, that while it’s pointless to pay any amount of money for unsustainable product, you are not saving anything if you have to spend hours of your and other peoples time troubleshooting weird issues.

Edit: LOL I can’t anymore… they literally compare themselves with pCloud as part of marketing… :rofl:

Second tangential: Why avoid fixed priced storage. Rule of thumb – if the company offers lifetime storage for a one-time payment – don’t use that company for anything important.

Running backup command from /cache/localhost/0 to back up /data/Unraid
Options: [-log backup -storage Internxt -threads 1 -stats]
2024-11-17 09:34:31.958 INFO REPOSITORY_SET Repository set to /data/Unraid
2024-11-17 09:34:31.958 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to webdav-http://anonymous@
Enter the WebDAV password:2024-11-17 09:34:32.549 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:34:33.541 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:34:34.753 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:34:36.976 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:34:42.599 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:34:53.348 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:35:20.203 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:36:09.004 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:38:12.687 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL chunks' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:38:13.528 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL chunks' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:38:15.190 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL chunks' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:38:17.491 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL chunks' returned status code 409
2024-11-17 09:38:24.903 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL chunks' returned status code 409

Where do I run -d as post argument in unraid docker?

Ok, it does ask for a password. Which is ignored, so then the service returns 409, because it expects password, and not any other API call…

For CLI you can specify the Webdav password via environment variable, or .duplicacy/preferences file, but there is no way to do so via WebUI, as far as I know, unless you want to set that environment variable prior to launching the webUI, hoping CLI will inherit it.

It’s an argument to CLI, that you set in backup task in webUI. But no need, since we already understand what’s the issue is.

Edit. Wait a second. you can provide the webdav password when creating the the WebDAV storage in web ui. And then replace the URL to be http. Does it not work? (You can point it to any other web dav service in the meantime, to be able to proceed and save the credentials in the duplicacy.json file.

That didn’t work:

Running backup command from /cache/localhost/0 to back up /data/Unraid

Options: [-log backup -storage Internxt -threads 1 -stats]

2024-11-18 20:27:51.709 INFO REPOSITORY_SET Repository set to /data/Unraid

2024-11-18 20:27:51.709 INFO STORAGE_SET Storage set to webdav-http://anonymous@

2024-11-18 20:27:53.154 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

2024-11-18 20:27:54.152 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

2024-11-18 20:27:55.363 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

2024-11-18 20:27:57.590 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

2024-11-18 20:28:03.218 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

2024-11-18 20:28:13.951 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

2024-11-18 20:28:40.835 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'MKCOL snapshots' returned status code 409

What did not work? Env variable or editing WebDAV config from another server?

Check in /cache/localhost/0/.duplicacy/preferences what is the storage name (it may not be “default”) so you might need to adjust environment variable name.


The backup gives MKCOL an error. Something might not be supported, or it’s a bug. Can’t tell.

Anyway, I am going to give up on the Internxt for now.


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