Interpreting default pruning settings

I’m not sure how the pruning is supposed to be interpreted, so I wanted to make sure I understand correctly.

The default pruning settings are as follows:

  • Delete snapshots older than 1800 days
  • Keep 1 snapshot every 7 days if older than 30 days
  • Keep 1 snapshot every 1 days if older than 7 days

I interpret these settings as the following:

Any revision younger than 7 days is left alone.
Any revision older than 7 days and younger than 30 days will be deleted, except 1 for every 24 hours.
Any revision older than 30 and younger than 1800 days will be deleted, except 1 for every 7 days.
Any revision older 1800 days will de deleted, no exceptions.

Is this correct?

Your interpretation is correct.