Linux configuration for WebGUI

Hi. I’m piloting Duplicacy to see if its the right solution to my linux backup needs (so far so good :slight_smile: )

I have configured up Duplicacy, however as part of setting this up I ran the WebGUI as my User under sudo privileges (which it needs to access all the files to backup).

I assume that I have to run the WebGUI (dwe_main) all the time so the scheduled jobs will run. Is this correct? There is nothing in the user guide about this.

I have now configured a systemd service to run dwe_main, however I’m wondering if I should move the execution of dwe_main to root from my user to provide a “cleaner” config?

If I decide to move to the root user, can I just copy the .duplicity folder into the root user’s home directory? Does this need any permission changes to execute? Is this the right way to migrate OS users?



If this is the only user then it does not matter. Else — yes, I would move.

It’s ~/.duplicacy_web folder. In your systemd wrapper you can define HOME variable and that’s where it will get created. You can even put it entirely elsewhere — e.g. into /var.

It’s already running under root, so no.

Not sure what you mean by this.

This is my old write up on how I went about configuring it on Synology DSM (they used upstart as service manager, and in the newer version moved to systemd; in disqus comments below there is a configuration for systemd provided by another user; you would need to click the link at the end of the article to load those comments): Duplicacy Web on Synology Diskstation without Docker | Trinkets, Odds, and Ends


Thanks saspus great info!

Providing and update:

As my backup is for a laptop and I’m the only user I’ve decided to leave the config as under my user as it’s working.

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