Hi. I’m piloting Duplicacy to see if its the right solution to my linux backup needs (so far so good )
I have configured up Duplicacy, however as part of setting this up I ran the WebGUI as my User under sudo privileges (which it needs to access all the files to backup).
I assume that I have to run the WebGUI (dwe_main) all the time so the scheduled jobs will run. Is this correct? There is nothing in the user guide about this.
I have now configured a systemd service to run dwe_main, however I’m wondering if I should move the execution of dwe_main to root from my user to provide a “cleaner” config?
If I decide to move to the root user, can I just copy the .duplicity folder into the root user’s home directory? Does this need any permission changes to execute? Is this the right way to migrate OS users?