Locked out of WebUI

I’ve been using Duplicacy (paid) for a few months as a docker on Unraid. No issues. Clicked on the WebGUI to enter duplicacy and it prompts with:

“Please enter the password to encrypt/decrypt the passwords/credentials stored in the configuration file.”

eh? So I entered the password I had used (although I assumed the keychain is supposed to do this, but anyway) and it says:

“Failed to decrypt the testing data using the supplied password: cipher: message authentication failed”

Sounds like something has corrupted. I always get worried when I get locked out of my own backups it makes me feel like using ciphers isn’t worth all the hassle when they go wrong. But I do use another backup strategy whilst I am testing Duplicacy this year.

So before I remove the docker and reinstall and reactivate and start a month’s backup again, is there anything I could do to reset it in situ, even if I lose the backups.

I would:

Check the Password.

Worst case, you may be able to pull down the config from another backup OR from your Back up Repo.

I tend to keep a Backup of my Config for the Backups (snoop dog meme here)…

See if that helps you. ive over ever seen the Bad Cipher on an incorrect Password.

If you think the password is correct, you can delete the encryption_data key in ~/.duplicacy-web/duplicacy.json, and then restart the web GUI. This will allow you to reset the password. However, if the new password is different from the old password, the web GUI won’t be able to decrypt those passwords/credentials needed to access the storages, so you’ll need to remove all storages and recreate them with the same names.

Thanks. I’ll just have to assume it was me who forgot the password.

I looked at the logs and everything running fine every night until the log showed:

Failed to get the value from the keyring: keyring/dbus: Error connecting to dbus session, not registering SecretService provider: dbus: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS not set
2020/05/29 12:52:53 Failed to decrypt the testing data using the password from KeyChain/Keyring: crypto/aes: invalid key size 0

I deleted the file duplicacy.json and restarted the webgui and provided a new password.

I will now re-create the online storage areas, save the tokens, create new backups and schedules and delete all the old backups and effectively start again and see how long the keychain will last me this time. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt in case it was me who forgot the password when the keychain went walkies :wink:

I will see how long this keychain lasts. I’ve made a note elsehwere of the password just in case!


You shouldn’t need to do any of that - unless you forgot the storage password?

There are two passwords here. One encrypts the credentials stored in your local configuration and is then added to the keychain for convenience. The second password is used to encrypt your backups on the storage and so it’s important you remember / store it away in a password manager.

If you forget the first credentials password, it’s no big deal, because you can set up your local config from scratch. So long as you have the backup encryption password, you just re-enter that in and you’re golden.

I think that’s Xzibit, dawg. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Unraid doesn’t have KeyChain/Keyring, so you’ll need to enter the encryption password again next time the web GUI restarts. You can pass the encryption password in the environment variable DWE_PASSWORD if you don’t want to enter the encryption password ever time.

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Yes, yes it is! good spot lol!