Migrating to the unraid docker container

Hi all. Apologies, I suspect I’m about to ask some really stupid questions but this thing has me completely beat. I hope I can explain my problems & the questions well enough?

I’m attempting to migrate from running Duplicacy on Windows, to the Saspus maintained docker container for Unraid. I would like to migrate my storage, config etc (scheduled jobs like check, backup, prune) restore my data and eventually start backing up again.

Obviously restoring my data & starting a new storage is undesirable. I don’t check when files go corrupt or even access my files often at all, so that long history is important. Doing a restore only brings back the “latest” version which may be broken in some cases. (I don’t trust Windows/NTFS all that much…)


  1. the ‘config’ for Duplicacy - is this a simple case of dropping the ‘config’ (no extension) file from my old storage, into somewhere for the container to pick up? I’d expect to see one already existing at /mnt/user/appdata/Duplicacy if so
    I’m aware that I’d have to “fix” this config afterwards like various paths to storage, repositories etc… but I’d like to bring my schedules across. - happy to fix broken stuff

  2. How on earth do I find/attach my unraid disks/shares/folders to backup from within the container? Surely it’s isolated so it can’t actually “escape” it’s bubble and back up the contents of the unraid host, like /mnt/user/* ? (or ideally, at least in my head, I just want to backup /* and get everything nice and simple)
    I can’t figure out where in the “Update Container” menus I could attach folders/disks as volumes to the container, so it could see them. Is this the wrong way to think approaching the task?

I’ll admit, I struggle to get my head around the abstraction a container brings. I’m old and work with ESXi VMs way too much so my head is somewhat stuck in a certain way of thinking :slight_smile:

Apologies for the really long post… Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

So for question 2, I (well, the unraid community) have solved this one - see Duplicacy - Not finding shares - General Support - Unraid

So in the Unraid > Docker > Duplicacy > Edit menu, set this value:

Then you can add your folders to backup - you’ll see the familiar Unraid file structure inside the Duplicacy container as /backuproot/<your shares & folders/whatever/> etc.

  1. Aside from the backup root, there are 3 additional paths you can change. The duplicacy config file(s) are located at /config. I believe the default is /mnt/user/appdata/Duplicacy/config. If you want to edit any of these paths, they are hidden by default; click “Show more settings” to edit them. Config files aren’t created until you run the container at least once.

  2. As @snellgrove mentions, you need to change the path linked to /backuproot. You can theoretically pass in / and let Duplicacy see everything on your server. Since I’m mostly interested in saving state [as opposed to media/content], I stage my backups to a separate directory. And then use Duplicacy to store those off-prem.

    Assuming you are not generally running restores, /backuproot should more-or-less be read-only. You can enforce this by clicking the Edit button next to the path and setting Access Mode to Read Only.