Hey guys. Have a weird problem. Setup a backup of a local directory that has tons of pictures. The backup takes 12 hours and is about the right size (400gb). when i go to restore, barely anything is there and even the stuff that is, looks like they are empty files. I have used Duplicacy for a long time and never had this issue. Here is a pic of what the restore screen looks like and what part of the directory structure acutally is. Can anyone help me please?
Side comment, I would not use more than one thread with OneDrive.
I would setup local empty repository, connect to that storage and run duplicacy list -files
. That would be source of truth. If you see all your files there — it’s web gui cosmetic issue.
hey saspus thanks so much. i’ve always used 4 threads and didn’t have a problem, who knows i may have. will switch to one. Not sure how to do the rest of what you suggested. kind of sucks if i can’t use the gui.
I’m wondering if you cleared the cache (delete everything from /cache) mount, and retry it will fetch the data correctly?
And to be sure, you are using the latest version of webui, right? (1.8.3 I believe)
i was hoping it was a Firefox thing, i downloaded chrome to try and it did the same thing. I am on 1.8.2.
am getting closer but when i say list files, it just does nothing… before this, i typed duplicacy -v init mywork one://duplicacy2024 -e
try adding -a
to list command, or specify the specific snapshot ID to list with -id <id>
see list · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub
I would run duplicacy list -a
to find the snapshot id and last revision there, and then duplicacy list -id <snapshot id> -r <revision> -files
to get file list.
This is a bug introduced in 1.8.2. An empty file causes 1.8.2 to incorrectly add a leading space to the top-level directory. If you scroll down you should find the same top-level directory without the leading space. That is the directory that you should be expanding.
This bug has been fixed in 1.8.3.
hey that looks like that’s it. i was able to see all my files. Am i able to update the Unraid docker or am I stuck until they update it? Saspus, thanks so much for your help, i am going to learn how to do it with the command line because i can’t always rely on the GUI. really appreciate it, both of you. i was getting tired of uploading 470GB over and over, lol.
the repository i have in the containter is saspus/duplicacy-web
also, just curious how I remove the “mywork” that i created trying to access the storage from the command line?
Ah, that’s easy then: if you are using :mini tag, define DUPLICACY_WEB_VERSION=1.8.3
environment variable and reboot the container. It will download the specified version on start. The default is “Stable” which picks what gchen deems stable.
If you are not using :mini tag — start using :mini tag :).
I’ll try to update :latest tonight, i want to get rid of it altogether — it will be a synonym of mini.
thanks so much!!! also got rid of the mywork… you guys are GREAT!
sorry for being so stupid, sheesh. when i put saspus/duplicacy-web:mini in the repository, i get 1.8.0 downloaded. where do i put DUPLICACY_WEB_VERSION=1.8.3?
I don’t use unraid, you would need to figure out how to set variables in whatever container manager they are using.
Hilariously, their documentation on this is TBD:
(it baffles me how do they manage to charge money for that crap, all while much superior solutions exist and are free. But I digress)
Fellas here provide guidance: How do I pass an emvironment variable to a docker. - Docker Engine - Unraid
thanks man, appreciate it, you are a great asset. Ya i know… i use it as my media server with arr stack. I backup to a secondary Truenas server at my house and another Truenas at my parents house. I also bought about 10 years ago and it was very cheap, but ya, i totally get what you are talking about. I am in the process of moving most of my stuff to Proxmox. thanks again though, it is REALLY appreciated to get back up and running.
and that did it by the way, on 1.8.3 and the zero files and everything else is fixed! thanks again.
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