Noob here and I have searched through the forum for the appropriate answer but to no avail.
So I have a backup (10TB) to a local storage but I had this done before I learned of Erasure Coding. I eventually want to copy the backup (via COPY) to a new storage with Erasure Coding enabled but I can’t really do that until a few months later due to various reasons. However, I want to push this backup to the cloud (B2) now since I feel uncomfortable not having a offsite copy. Obviously copying a 10TB storage to the cloud will take a long time. My intention is to keep the cloud set with a longer retention so the prune will be more aggressive on the cloud storage. So my questions are:
If I performed the COPY to B2 now (without Erasure Coding) and then I eventually I move the local storage to one with Erasure Coding), would the COPY from local to B2 still be compatible? Would I need to re-upload everything to B2 all over again?
It seems like copying a Erasure Coding enabled storage to another storage without Erasure Coding also takes up the additional space the feature requires (40% more for 5:2). I would think this alone would make the copy no longer compatible. I would appreciate if someone could help clarify. Thanks.