Moving from hotio/duplicacy to saspus/duplicacy-web container


i’m actually using this Web-Edition container This is not updated anymore for the arm image so i’m switching to @saspus

But have some questions:

  • I see the container i’m using use the same mapping for volumes, so config/cache/logs. Can i safely assume that i can just mount the ones i’m already using?

  • --volume ~:/backuproot:ro can be anything i want, correct? In my compose i have for example - /srv/dev-disk-by-label-HC2:/source. So can i use my version instead?

  • I was looking for the api link to check for the stable/testing version of Duplicacy but can’t find it. Could you point it out? (Found it, should be


Yes, backuprooot is whatever your want to backup. It’s just to make source data visible to the container.

You don’t need to deal with the version URL. The mini container fetches Stable or Latest for you automatically

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Thanks! What do you think about my first question? Could i just use/mount the same volumes i was using with the other container?

Looking at the source i’m not able to determine if the content will be the same.

Seems same. I would start the container and see what if any additional folders and files will be created. And if so — overwrite them with the stuff from the old one. You really only care about duplicacy.json and it seems to be in the same place.

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Actually, to be safe, I would delete settings.json. Container will create a new one with paths specific to its configuration, in case they differ.

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Well in the end i just need to add the storage again and everything should be there.
Oh and my schedules.

(I suppose)

My only concern is about the machine-id. I suppose it will be the same no matter the container.

Storage configuration is in duplicacy.json. Settings just contains app settings.

My only concern is about the machine-id.

If machin-is file is missing or it’s content is invalid it will be recreated, and if it happens to be different — new license will be fetched. I would not worry about it.

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In the end i reconfigured everything from scratch. It was super easy.

Only thing i’m trying to configure email notification for schedules and when i try using i get a Failed to send the email: EOF. It only works with port 587. Any idea why?

No, perhaps that’s how gmail is configured wrt to authentication (e.g. starttls vs not) but don’t use gmail for automated sending.

Use mailgun or Amazon ses.

Oh i see, so you are actually paying for the services? Why do you reccomment to not use Gmail?

I would not even consider using free service for anything important. Cost is reasonable — $0.01 per 1000 emails with a service specifically designed for the purpose won’t break a bank.

  1. Unless you are using mail relay that comes with google workspace, you have to create weak app password for your gmail account, and store them poorly protected on your devices.
  2. Google filters email and may reject it if it considers is spam
  3. automated sending is (was?) against ToS for consumer accounts.
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