My working backup set up for Unraid

Hi guys,

I use UserScripts to prepare/back up appdata (Dockers) and domains (VMs) and then i use Duplicacy to make backups. In Duplicacy i can then restore different versions from a dropdown. This way i can restore specific docker/VM back to Unraid.

I’m an newbie at Duplicacy, Unraid, rsync and tar so maybe this it totally wrong but it works for me.

Please tell me if you have some idea’s on how to improve (or maybe tell me to scrap it all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)



# Get all running containers and store them in $CONTAINERS
mapfile -t CONTAINERS < <( docker inspect --format='{{.Name}}' $(docker ps -q --no-trunc) | cut -c2- )

# show in logrun
echo "Appdata backup started - Starting to shut down dockers"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Notice [Script] -Appdata backup started" -i "normal" -d "Starting to shut down dockers"

# Stop all running containers
for container in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
  echo "Stopping ${container}..."
  docker stop ${container} 1> /dev/null

# show in logrun
echo "Dockers shutted down. Starting backup"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Warning [Script] -Appdata backup running" -i "warning" -d "Dockers shutted down. Starting backup"

# Backup appdata
echo "Backing up /mnt/user/appdata/"
rsync -a --delete /mnt/user/appdata/ /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackups/

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Warning [Script] -Appdata backup running" -i "warning" -d "Backup done. Starting dockers"

# Start all containers that were previously running
for container in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
  echo "Starting ${container}..."
  docker start ${container} 1> /dev/null

# show in logrun
echo "Dockers started. Starting to tar files"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Warning [Script] -Appdata backup running" -i "warning" -d "Dockers started. Starting to tar files"

# Compress appdata and remove original folders
find /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackups/ -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -exec tar zcvf {}.tar.gz {} --remove-files \;

# show in logrun
echo "Appdata backup done - Ready to do Duplicacy backup"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Notice [Script] - Appdata backup done" -i "normal" -d "Ready to do Duplicacy backup"



#Empty vm list
echo "" > /tmp/vms-running.txt

# show in logrun
echo "VMs backup started - Starting to shut down VMs"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Notice [Script] -VMs backup started" -i "normal" -d "Starting to shut down VMs"

#Get all running vms except VM-TO-NOT-SHUTDOWN server
for VM in $(virsh list --state-running --name); do
  if [[ ! "$VM" == "VM-TO-NOT-SHUTDOWN" ]] ; then
    virsh shutdown "$VM"

#Write running vms to list
echo "$VM" >> /tmp/vms-running.txt


# sleep if no vm is started to get next notice
sleep 5

# show in logrun
echo "VMs shutted down. Starting backup"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Warning [Script] -VMs backup running" -i "warning" -d "VMs shutted down. Starting backup"

# Backup appdata
echo "Backing up /mnt/user/domains/"
rsync -a --delete /mnt/user/domains/ /mnt/user/backups/vmbackups/

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Warning [Script] -VMs backup running" -i "warning" -d "Backup done. Starting VMs"

#Get all running vms except backup server
for VM in $(cat /tmp/vms-running.txt); do
  virsh start "$VM"


# show in logrun
echo "VMs started. Starting to tar files"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Warning [Script] -VMs backup running" -i "warning" -d "VMs started. Starting to tar files"

# Compress appdata and remove original folders
find /mnt/user/backups/vmbackups/ -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -exec tar zcvf {}.tar.gz {} --remove-files \;

# show in logrun
echo "VMs backup done - Ready to do Duplicacy backup"

# Show notification in Unraid (alert, warning, normal)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Notice [Script] - VMs backup done" -i "normal" -d "Ready to do Duplicacy backup"

Cool! Would be nice to backup active VM’s first, restart them and the backup the VM’s that are not running next.

Hi @floris

I found a solution by SpaceInvaderOne:

The concept is to reformat my two separate cache pools to zfs file format and then use zfs datasets with scheduled snapshots for rollback.

I also do an separate “backup” to another zfs formated drive in the array and a folder connected to Duplicacy for cloud backups.

The nice thing is that since zfs makes it possible to take “live snapshots” i don’t have to shut down any VM’s or Dockers and i have my own versioning system for local backups AND also an cloud backup via Duplicacy so this feels really safe.

Thank you @PeterC for referencing this!
I’m definitely going to try this. This looks super robust indeed!

1 Like

Please tell me if you want all my script codes and some screenshots to get you going?

That would be awesome! Meanwhile I’ve converted my cache pool to ZFS already :wink:

No problem, here goes…

So you need to have one disk formated as zfs in the array. This disk is only for a share called zfs_backups_array and this share should only use diskX. (this disk in the array is only used for zfs backup).

Your cache pool/disk-s should be formated zfs and you should install an plugin called ZFS Master.

When you move back appdata (dockers) and domains (vm’s) to the cache pool/disk-s this is still not zfs datasets (need to be datasets to use snapshots) you ned the first script that convert all content in appdata and domains to dataset and you use script: AUTO_CONVERT_TO_DATASET


AUTO_CONVERT_TO_DATASET (this is to convert convert new vm’s and docker apps):

#set -x
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# #   Script for snapshoting and/or replication a zfs dataset locally or remotely using zfs or rsync depending on the destination         # #
# #   (needs Unraid 6.12 or above)                                                                                                        # #
# #   by - SpaceInvaderOne                                                                                                                # # 
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# Main Variables
#Unraid notifications during process (sent to Unraid gui etc)
notification_type="all"  # set to "all" for both success & failure, to "error"for only failure or "none" for no notices to be sent.
notify_tune="no"  # as well as a notifiction, if sucessful it will play the Mario "achievment tune" or failure StarWars imperial march tune on beep speaker!
                   # sometimes good to have an audiable notification!! Set to "no" for silence. (this function your server needs a beep speaker)
# Source for snapshotting and/or replication
source_pool="cache"  #this is the zpool in which your source dataset resides (note the does NOT start with /mnt/)
source_dataset="appdata"   #this is the name of the dataset you want to snapshot and/or replicate
                                #If using auto snapshots souce pool CAN NOT contain spaces. This is because sanoid config doesnt handle them
#zfs snapshot settings
autosnapshots="yes" # set to "yes" to have script auto snapshot your source dataset. Set to "no" to skip snapshotting.
#snapshot retention policy (default below works well, but change to suit)
# remote server variables (leave as is (set to "no") if not backing up to another server)
destination_remote="no" # set to "no" for local backup to "yes" for a remote backup (remote location should be accessable paired with ssh with shared keys)
remote_user="root"  #remote user (an Unraid server will be root)
remote_server="" #remote servers name or ip
### replication settings
replication="zfs"   #this is set to the method for how you want to have the sourcedataset replicated - "zfs" , "rsync" or "none"
# zfs replication variables. You do NOT need these if replication set to "rsync" or "none"
destination_pool="disk5"  #this is the zpool in which your destination dataset will be created
parent_destination_dataset="zfs_backups_array" #this is the parent dataset in which a child dataset will be created containing the replicated data (zfs replication)
# For ZFS replication syncoid is used. The below variable sets some options for that.
# "strict-mirror" Strict mirroring that both mirrors the source and repairs mismatches (uses --force-delete flag).This will delete snapshots in the destination which are not in the source.
# "basic" Basic replication without any additional flags will not delete snapshots in destination if not in the source
# rsync replication variables. You do not need these if replication set to zfs or no
parent_destination_folder="/mnt/user/rsync_backup" # This is the parent directory in which a child directory will be created containing the replicated data (rsync)
rsync_type="incremental" # set to "incremental" for dated incremental backups or "mirror" for mirrored backups
#Advanced variables you do not need to change these.
# This function is to send messages to Unraid gui etc
unraid_notify() {
    local message="$1"
    local flag="$2"
    # Check the notification_type variable
    if [[ "$notification_type" == "none" ]]; then
        return 0  # Exit the function if notification_type is set to 'none'
    # If notification_type is set to 'error' and the flag is 'success', exit the function
    if [[ "$notification_type" == "error" && "$flag" == "success" ]]; then
        return 0  # Do not process success messages
    # Determine the severity of the message based on the flag it received
    local severity
if [[ "$flag" == "success" ]]; then
    # Play success tune based on the value of 'notify_tune' and 'tune'
    if [[ "$notify_tune" == "yes" ]]; then
        if [[ "$tune" == "2" ]]; then
        # plays the old nokia ring tone (only used on snapshot sucess)
            beep -l 150 -f 1318.51022765 -n -l 150 -f 1174.65907167 -n -l 270 -f 739.988845423 -n -l 240 -f 830.60939516 -n -l 120 -f 1108.73052391 -n -l 150 -f 987.766602512 -n -l 270 -f 587.329535835 -n -l 240 -f 659.255113826 -n -l 150 -f 987.766602512 -n -l 120 -f 880.0 -n -l 270 -f 554.365261954 -n -l 240 -f 659.255113826 -n -l 1050 -f 880.0
        # plays the Mario achievement tune !! this is the main sucess tune used
            beep -f 130 -l 100 -n -f 262 -l 100 -n -f 330 -l 100 -n -f 392 -l 100 -n -f 523 -l 100 -n -f 660 -l 100 -n -f 784 -l 300 -n -f 660 -l 300 -n -f 146 -l 100 -n -f 262 -l 100 -n -f 311 -l 100 -n -f 415 -l 100 -n -f 523 -l 100 -n -f 622 -l 100 -n -f 831 -l 300 -n -f 622 -l 300 -n -f 155 -l 100 -n -f 294 -l 100 -n -f 349 -l 100 -n -f 466 -l 100 -n -f 588 -l 100 -n -f 699 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 300 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 1047 -l 400
        # Play failure tune if notify_tune is set to 'yes'
        if [[ "$notify_tune" == "yes" ]]; then
        # plays the Starwars imperial march tune !!
            beep -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 622.26 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 369.99 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 784 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 784 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 739.98 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 698.46 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 659.26 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 622.26 -D 100 -n -l 50 -f 659.26 -D 400 -n -l 25 -f 415.3 -D 200 -n -l 350 -f 554.36 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 493.88 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 440 -D 100 -n -l 50 -f 466.16 -D 400 -n -l 25 -f 311.13 -D 200 -n -l 350 -f 369.99 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.13 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 587.32
    # Call the Unraid notification script
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Backup Notification" -d "$message" -i "$severity"
# This function performs pre-run checks.
pre_run_checks() {
  # check for essential utilities
  if [ ! -x "$(which zfs)" ]; then
    msg='ZFS utilities are not found. This script is meant for Unraid 6.12 or above (which includes ZFS support). Please ensure you are using the correct Unraid version.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/sanoid ]; then
    msg='Sanoid is not found or not executable. Please install Sanoid and try again.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$replication" = "zfs" ] && [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/syncoid ]; then
    msg='Syncoid is not found or not executable. Please install Syncoid plugin and try again.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  # check if the dataset and pool exist
  if ! zfs list -H "${source_path}" &>/dev/null; then
    msg="Error: The source dataset '${source_dataset}' does not exist."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  # check if autosnapshots is set to "yes" and source_dataset has a space in its name
  if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" && "${source_dataset}" == *" "* ]]; then
    msg="Error: Autosnapshots is enabled and the source dataset name '${source_dataset}' contains spaces. Rename the dataset without spaces and try again. This is because although ZFS does support spaces in dataset names sanoid config file doesnt parse them correctly"
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  local used
  used=$(zfs get -H -o value used "${source_path}")
  if [[ ${used} == 0B ]]; then
    msg="The source dataset '${source_path}' is empty. Nothing to replicate."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
    echo "Replication target is a remote server. I will check it is available..."
    # Attempt an SSH connection. If it fails, print an error message and exit.
    if ! ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" echo 'SSH connection successful' &>/dev/null; then
      msg='SSH connection failed. Please check your remote server details and ensure ssh keys are exchanged.'
      echo "$msg"
      unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
      exit 1
    echo "Replication target is a local/same server."
  # check script configuration variables
  if [ "$replication" != "zfs" ] && [ "$replication" != "rsync" ] && [ "$replication" != "none" ]; then
    msg="$replication is not a valid replication method. Please set it to either 'zfs', 'rsync', or 'none'."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1

  if [ "$autosnapshots" != "yes" ] && [ "$autosnapshots" != "no" ]; then
    msg="The 'autosnapshots' variable is not set to a valid value. Please set it to either 'yes' or 'no'."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$destination_remote" != "yes" ] && [ "$destination_remote" != "no" ]; then
    msg="The 'destination_remote' variable is not set to a valid value. Please set it to either 'yes' or 'no'."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
    if [ -z "$remote_user" ] || [ -z "$remote_server" ]; then
      msg="The 'remote_user' and 'remote_server' must be set when 'destination_remote' is set to 'yes'."
      echo "$msg"
      unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
      exit 1
  if [ "$replication" = "none" ] && [ "$autosnapshots" = "no" ]; then
    msg='Both replication and autosnapshots are set to "none". Please configure them so that the script can perform some work.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$replication" = "rsync" ]; then
    if [ "$rsync_type" != "incremental" ] && [ "$rsync_type" != "mirror" ]; then
      msg='Invalid rsync_type. Please set it to either "incremental" or "mirror".'
      echo "$msg"
      unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
      exit 1
  # If all checks passed print below
  echo "All pre-run checks passed. Continuing..."
# This function will build a Sanoid config file for use with the script
create_sanoid_config() {
  # only make config if autosnapshots is set to "yes"
  if [ "${autosnapshots}" != "yes" ]; then
  # check if the configuration directory exists, if not create it
  if [ ! -d "${sanoid_config_complete_path}" ]; then
    mkdir -p "${sanoid_config_complete_path}"
  # check if the sanoid.defaults.conf file exists in the configuration directory, if not copy it from the default location
  if [ ! -f "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.defaults.conf" ]; then
    cp /etc/sanoid/sanoid.defaults.conf "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.defaults.conf"
  # check if a configuration file has already been created from a previous run, if so exit the function
  if [ -f "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf" ]; then
# this  creates the new configuration file based off variables for retention
  echo "[${source_path}]" > "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "use_template = production" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "recursive = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "[template_production]" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "hourly = ${snapshot_hours}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "daily = ${snapshot_days}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "weekly = ${snapshot_weeks}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "monthly = ${snapshot_months}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "yearly = ${snapshot_years}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "autosnap = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "autoprune = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
# This fuction will autosnapshot the source dataset using Sanoid
autosnap() {
  # check if autosnapshots is set to "yes" before creating snapshots
  if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" ]]; then
    # Create the snapshots on the source directory using Sanoid if required
    echo "creating the automatic snapshots using sanoid based off retention policy"
    /usr/local/sbin/sanoid --configdir="${sanoid_config_complete_path}" --take-snapshots
    # check the exit status of the sanoid command 
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      unraid_notify "Automatic snapshot creation using Sanoid was successful for source: ${source_path}" "success"
      unraid_notify "Automatic snapshot creation using Sanoid failed for source: ${source_path}" "failure"
    echo "Autosnapshots are not set to 'yes', skipping..."
# This fuction will autoprune the source dataset using sanoid
autoprune() {
  # rheck if autosnapshots is set to "yes" before creating snapshots
  if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" ]]; then
   echo "pruning the automatic snapshots using sanoid based off retention policy"
# run Sanoid to prune snapshots based on retention policy
/usr/local/sbin/sanoid --configdir="${sanoid_config_complete_path}" --prune-snapshots
    echo "Autosnapshots are not set to 'yes', skipping..."
# This function  does the zfs replication
zfs_replication() {
  # Check if replication method is set to ZFS
  if [ "$replication" = "zfs" ]; then
    # Check if the destination location was set to remote
    if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
      # check if the parent destination ZFS dataset exists on the remote server. If not, create it.
      ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "if ! zfs list -o name -H '${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}' &>/dev/null; then zfs create '${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}'; fi"
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        unraid_notify "Failed to check or create ZFS dataset on remote server: ${destination}" "failure"
        return 1
      # check if the parent destination ZFS dataset exists locally. If not, create it.
      if ! zfs list -o name -H "${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}" &>/dev/null; then
        zfs create "${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
          unraid_notify "Failed to check or create local ZFS dataset: ${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}" "failure"
          return 1
    # calc which syncoid flags to use, based on syncoid_mode
    local -a syncoid_flags=("-r")
    case "${syncoid_mode}" in
        # No additional flags other than -r
        echo "Invalid syncoid_mode. Please set it to 'strict-mirror', or 'basic'."
        exit 1
    # Use syncoid to replicate snapshot to the destination dataset
    echo "Starting ZFS replication using syncoid with mode: ${syncoid_mode}"
    /usr/local/sbin/syncoid "${syncoid_flags[@]}" "${source_path}" "${destination}"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
        unraid_notify "ZFS replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${destination}" "success"
        unraid_notify "ZFS replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${destination}" "success"
      unraid_notify "ZFS replication failed from source: ${source_path} to ${destination}" "failure"
      return 1
    echo "ZFS replication not set. Skipping ZFS replication."
# These below functions do the rsync replication
# Gets the most recent backup to compare against (used by below funcrions)
get_previous_backup() {
    if [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ]; then
        if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
            echo "Running: ssh ${remote_user}@${remote_server} \"ls ${destination_rsync_location} | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1\""
            previous_backup=$(ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "ls \"${destination_rsync_location}\" | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1")
            previous_backup=$(ls "${destination_rsync_location}" | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
rsync_replication() {
    local previous_backup  # declare variable 

    if [ "$replication" = "rsync" ]; then
        local snapshot_name="rsync_snapshot"
        if [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ]; then
            backup_date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M)
        do_rsync() {
            local snapshot_mount_point="$1"
            local rsync_destination="$2"
            local relative_dataset_path="$3"
            local link_dest_path="${destination_rsync_location}/${previous_backup}${relative_dataset_path}"
            [ -z "$previous_backup" ] && local link_dest="" || local link_dest="--link-dest=${link_dest_path}"
            echo "Link dest value is: $link_dest"
            # Log the link_dest value for debugging
            echo "Link dest value is: $link_dest"
            if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
                # Create the remote directory 
                [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ] && ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "mkdir -p \"${rsync_destination}\""
                # Rsync the snapshot to the remote destination with link-dest
                #rsync -azvvv --delete $link_dest -e ssh "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/"
                echo "Executing remote rsync: rsync -azvh --delete $link_dest -e ssh \"${snapshot_mount_point}/\" \"${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/\""
rsync -azvh --delete $link_dest -e ssh "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/"

                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                    unraid_notify "Rsync replication failed from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}" "failure"
                    return 1
                # Ensure the backup directory exists
                [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ] && mkdir -p "${rsync_destination}"
                # Rsync the snapshot to the local destination with link-dest
              #  rsync -avv --delete $link_dest "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${rsync_destination}/"
              echo "Executing local rsync: rsync -avh --delete $link_dest \"${snapshot_mount_point}/\" \"${rsync_destination}/\""
rsync -avh --delete $link_dest "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${rsync_destination}/"

                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                    unraid_notify "Rsync replication failed from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${rsync_destination}" "failure"
                    return 1
        echo "making a temporary zfs snapshot for rsync"
        zfs snapshot "${source_path}@${snapshot_name}"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            unraid_notify "Failed to create ZFS snapshot for rsync: ${source_path}@${snapshot_name}" "failure"
            return 1
        local snapshot_mount_point="/mnt/${source_path}/.zfs/snapshot/${snapshot_name}"
        do_rsync "${snapshot_mount_point}" "${destination}" ""
        echo "deleting temporary snapshot"
        zfs destroy "${source_path}@${snapshot_name}"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            unraid_notify "Failed to delete ZFS snapshot after rsync: ${source_path}@${snapshot_name}" "failure"
            return 1
        # Replication for child sub-datasets
        local child_datasets=$(zfs list -r -H -o name "${source_path}" | tail -n +2)
        for child_dataset in ${child_datasets}; do
            local relative_path=$(echo "${child_dataset}" | sed "s|^${source_path}/||g")
            echo "making a temporary zfs snapshot (child) for rsync"
            zfs snapshot "${child_dataset}@${snapshot_name}"
            do_rsync "${snapshot_mount_point}" "${child_destination}" "/${relative_path}"
            zfs destroy "${child_dataset}@${snapshot_name}"
        # Send a single success Unraid notification after all datasets (main and child) have been processed.
        if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
            unraid_notify "Rsync ${rsync_type} replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${destination}" "success"
            unraid_notify "Rsync ${rsync_type} replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${destination}" "success"

# run the above functions 

I have this script run every evening at 23:00 before running the snapshotsscripts.

Splitting this in separate posts for size reason.

This is how the Pool Devices and ZFS Master looks like:

Now you can do snapshots and restore them but this is done by scripts that run every night after script: AUTO_CONVERT_TO_DATASET

So now the actual backup/snapshot scripts:

DOMAINS_SNAP_AND_REPLICATION (this script takes snapshot and via rsync makes an mirrored clone onto the zfs_backups_array folder(dataset) on the zfs-disk in the array.

#set -x
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# #   Script for snapshoting and/or replication a zfs dataset locally or remotely using zfs or rsync depending on the destination         # #
# #   (needs Unraid 6.12 or above)                                                                                                        # #
# #   by - SpaceInvaderOne                                                                                                                # # 
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# Main Variables
#Unraid notifications during process (sent to Unraid gui etc)
notification_type="all"  # set to "all" for both success & failure, to "error"for only failure or "none" for no notices to be sent.
notify_tune="no"  # as well as a notifiction, if sucessful it will play the Mario "achievment tune" or failure StarWars imperial march tune on beep speaker!
                  # sometimes good to have an audiable notification!! Set to "no" for silence. (this function your server needs a beep speaker)
# Source for snapshotting and/or replication
source_pool="cache_vm"  #this is the zpool in which your source dataset resides (note the does NOT start with /mnt/)
source_dataset="domains"   #this is the name of the dataset you want to snapshot and/or replicate
                               #If using auto snapshots souce pool CAN NOT contain spaces. This is because sanoid config doesnt handle them
#zfs snapshot settings
autosnapshots="yes" # set to "yes" to have script auto snapshot your source dataset. Set to "no" to skip snapshotting.
#snapshot retention policy (default below works well, but change to suit)
# remote server variables (leave as is (set to "no") if not backing up to another server)
destination_remote="no" # set to "no" for local backup to "yes" for a remote backup (remote location should be accessable paired with ssh with shared keys)
remote_user="root"  #remote user (an Unraid server will be root)
remote_server="" #remote servers name or ip
### replication settings
replication="zfs"   #this is set to the method for how you want to have the sourcedataset replicated - "zfs" , "rsync" or "none"
# zfs replication variables. You do NOT need these if replication set to "rsync" or "none"
destination_pool="disk5"  #this is the zpool in which your destination dataset will be created
parent_destination_dataset="zfs_backups_array" #this is the parent dataset in which a child dataset will be created containing the replicated data (zfs replication)
# For ZFS replication syncoid is used. The below variable sets some options for that.
# "strict-mirror" Strict mirroring that both mirrors the source and repairs mismatches (uses --force-delete flag).This will delete snapshots in the destination which are not in the source.
# "basic" Basic replication without any additional flags will not delete snapshots in destination if not in the source
# rsync replication variables. You do not need these if replication set to zfs or no
parent_destination_folder="/mnt/user/rsync_backup" # This is the parent directory in which a child directory will be created containing the replicated data (rsync)
rsync_type="incremental" # set to "incremental" for dated incremental backups or "mirror" for mirrored backups
#Advanced variables you do not need to change these.
# This function is to send messages to Unraid gui etc
unraid_notify() {
   local message="$1"
   local flag="$2"
   # Check the notification_type variable
   if [[ "$notification_type" == "none" ]]; then
       return 0  # Exit the function if notification_type is set to 'none'
   # If notification_type is set to 'error' and the flag is 'success', exit the function
   if [[ "$notification_type" == "error" && "$flag" == "success" ]]; then
       return 0  # Do not process success messages
   # Determine the severity of the message based on the flag it received
   local severity
if [[ "$flag" == "success" ]]; then
   # Play success tune based on the value of 'notify_tune' and 'tune'
   if [[ "$notify_tune" == "yes" ]]; then
       if [[ "$tune" == "2" ]]; then
       # plays the old nokia ring tone (only used on snapshot sucess)
           beep -l 150 -f 1318.51022765 -n -l 150 -f 1174.65907167 -n -l 270 -f 739.988845423 -n -l 240 -f 830.60939516 -n -l 120 -f 1108.73052391 -n -l 150 -f 987.766602512 -n -l 270 -f 587.329535835 -n -l 240 -f 659.255113826 -n -l 150 -f 987.766602512 -n -l 120 -f 880.0 -n -l 270 -f 554.365261954 -n -l 240 -f 659.255113826 -n -l 1050 -f 880.0
       # plays the Mario achievement tune !! this is the main sucess tune used
           beep -f 130 -l 100 -n -f 262 -l 100 -n -f 330 -l 100 -n -f 392 -l 100 -n -f 523 -l 100 -n -f 660 -l 100 -n -f 784 -l 300 -n -f 660 -l 300 -n -f 146 -l 100 -n -f 262 -l 100 -n -f 311 -l 100 -n -f 415 -l 100 -n -f 523 -l 100 -n -f 622 -l 100 -n -f 831 -l 300 -n -f 622 -l 300 -n -f 155 -l 100 -n -f 294 -l 100 -n -f 349 -l 100 -n -f 466 -l 100 -n -f 588 -l 100 -n -f 699 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 300 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 1047 -l 400
       # Play failure tune if notify_tune is set to 'yes'
       if [[ "$notify_tune" == "yes" ]]; then
       # plays the Starwars imperial march tune !!
           beep -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 622.26 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 369.99 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 784 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 784 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 739.98 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 698.46 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 659.26 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 622.26 -D 100 -n -l 50 -f 659.26 -D 400 -n -l 25 -f 415.3 -D 200 -n -l 350 -f 554.36 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 493.88 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 440 -D 100 -n -l 50 -f 466.16 -D 400 -n -l 25 -f 311.13 -D 200 -n -l 350 -f 369.99 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.13 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 587.32
   # Call the Unraid notification script
   /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Backup Notification" -d "$message" -i "$severity"
# This function performs pre-run checks.
pre_run_checks() {
 # check for essential utilities
 if [ ! -x "$(which zfs)" ]; then
   msg='ZFS utilities are not found. This script is meant for Unraid 6.12 or above (which includes ZFS support). Please ensure you are using the correct Unraid version.'
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 if [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/sanoid ]; then
   msg='Sanoid is not found or not executable. Please install Sanoid and try again.'
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 if [ "$replication" = "zfs" ] && [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/syncoid ]; then
   msg='Syncoid is not found or not executable. Please install Syncoid plugin and try again.'
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 # check if the dataset and pool exist
 if ! zfs list -H "${source_path}" &>/dev/null; then
   msg="Error: The source dataset '${source_dataset}' does not exist."
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 # check if autosnapshots is set to "yes" and source_dataset has a space in its name
 if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" && "${source_dataset}" == *" "* ]]; then
   msg="Error: Autosnapshots is enabled and the source dataset name '${source_dataset}' contains spaces. Rename the dataset without spaces and try again. This is because although ZFS does support spaces in dataset names sanoid config file doesnt parse them correctly"
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 local used
 used=$(zfs get -H -o value used "${source_path}")
 if [[ ${used} == 0B ]]; then
   msg="The source dataset '${source_path}' is empty. Nothing to replicate."
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
   echo "Replication target is a remote server. I will check it is available..."
   # Attempt an SSH connection. If it fails, print an error message and exit.
   if ! ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" echo 'SSH connection successful' &>/dev/null; then
     msg='SSH connection failed. Please check your remote server details and ensure ssh keys are exchanged.'
     echo "$msg"
     unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
     exit 1
   echo "Replication target is a local/same server."
 # check script configuration variables
 if [ "$replication" != "zfs" ] && [ "$replication" != "rsync" ] && [ "$replication" != "none" ]; then
   msg="$replication is not a valid replication method. Please set it to either 'zfs', 'rsync', or 'none'."
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1

 if [ "$autosnapshots" != "yes" ] && [ "$autosnapshots" != "no" ]; then
   msg="The 'autosnapshots' variable is not set to a valid value. Please set it to either 'yes' or 'no'."
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 if [ "$destination_remote" != "yes" ] && [ "$destination_remote" != "no" ]; then
   msg="The 'destination_remote' variable is not set to a valid value. Please set it to either 'yes' or 'no'."
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
   if [ -z "$remote_user" ] || [ -z "$remote_server" ]; then
     msg="The 'remote_user' and 'remote_server' must be set when 'destination_remote' is set to 'yes'."
     echo "$msg"
     unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
     exit 1
 if [ "$replication" = "none" ] && [ "$autosnapshots" = "no" ]; then
   msg='Both replication and autosnapshots are set to "none". Please configure them so that the script can perform some work.'
   echo "$msg"
   unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
   exit 1
 if [ "$replication" = "rsync" ]; then
   if [ "$rsync_type" != "incremental" ] && [ "$rsync_type" != "mirror" ]; then
     msg='Invalid rsync_type. Please set it to either "incremental" or "mirror".'
     echo "$msg"
     unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
     exit 1
 # If all checks passed print below
 echo "All pre-run checks passed. Continuing..."
# This function will build a Sanoid config file for use with the script
create_sanoid_config() {
 # only make config if autosnapshots is set to "yes"
 if [ "${autosnapshots}" != "yes" ]; then
 # check if the configuration directory exists, if not create it
 if [ ! -d "${sanoid_config_complete_path}" ]; then
   mkdir -p "${sanoid_config_complete_path}"
 # check if the sanoid.defaults.conf file exists in the configuration directory, if not copy it from the default location
 if [ ! -f "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.defaults.conf" ]; then
   cp /etc/sanoid/sanoid.defaults.conf "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.defaults.conf"
 # check if a configuration file has already been created from a previous run, if so exit the function
 if [ -f "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf" ]; then
# this  creates the new configuration file based off variables for retention
 echo "[${source_path}]" > "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "use_template = production" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "recursive = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "[template_production]" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "hourly = ${snapshot_hours}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "daily = ${snapshot_days}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "weekly = ${snapshot_weeks}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "monthly = ${snapshot_months}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "yearly = ${snapshot_years}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "autosnap = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
 echo "autoprune = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
# This fuction will autosnapshot the source dataset using Sanoid
autosnap() {
 # check if autosnapshots is set to "yes" before creating snapshots
 if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" ]]; then
   # Create the snapshots on the source directory using Sanoid if required
   echo "creating the automatic snapshots using sanoid based off retention policy"
   /usr/local/sbin/sanoid --configdir="${sanoid_config_complete_path}" --take-snapshots
   # check the exit status of the sanoid command 
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
     unraid_notify "Automatic snapshot creation using Sanoid was successful for source: ${source_path}" "success"
     unraid_notify "Automatic snapshot creation using Sanoid failed for source: ${source_path}" "failure"
   echo "Autosnapshots are not set to 'yes', skipping..."
# This fuction will autoprune the source dataset using sanoid
autoprune() {
 # rheck if autosnapshots is set to "yes" before creating snapshots
 if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" ]]; then
  echo "pruning the automatic snapshots using sanoid based off retention policy"
# run Sanoid to prune snapshots based on retention policy
/usr/local/sbin/sanoid --configdir="${sanoid_config_complete_path}" --prune-snapshots
   echo "Autosnapshots are not set to 'yes', skipping..."
# This function  does the zfs replication
zfs_replication() {
 # Check if replication method is set to ZFS
 if [ "$replication" = "zfs" ]; then
   # Check if the destination location was set to remote
   if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
     # check if the parent destination ZFS dataset exists on the remote server. If not, create it.
     ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "if ! zfs list -o name -H '${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}' &>/dev/null; then zfs create '${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}'; fi"
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
       unraid_notify "Failed to check or create ZFS dataset on remote server: ${destination}" "failure"
       return 1
     # check if the parent destination ZFS dataset exists locally. If not, create it.
     if ! zfs list -o name -H "${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}" &>/dev/null; then
       zfs create "${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}"
       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
         unraid_notify "Failed to check or create local ZFS dataset: ${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}" "failure"
         return 1
   # calc which syncoid flags to use, based on syncoid_mode
   local -a syncoid_flags=("-r")
   case "${syncoid_mode}" in
       # No additional flags other than -r
       echo "Invalid syncoid_mode. Please set it to 'strict-mirror', or 'basic'."
       exit 1
   # Use syncoid to replicate snapshot to the destination dataset
   echo "Starting ZFS replication using syncoid with mode: ${syncoid_mode}"
   /usr/local/sbin/syncoid "${syncoid_flags[@]}" "${source_path}" "${destination}"
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
     if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
       unraid_notify "ZFS replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${destination}" "success"
       unraid_notify "ZFS replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${destination}" "success"
     unraid_notify "ZFS replication failed from source: ${source_path} to ${destination}" "failure"
     return 1
   echo "ZFS replication not set. Skipping ZFS replication."
# These below functions do the rsync replication
# Gets the most recent backup to compare against (used by below funcrions)
get_previous_backup() {
   if [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ]; then
       if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
           echo "Running: ssh ${remote_user}@${remote_server} \"ls ${destination_rsync_location} | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1\""
           previous_backup=$(ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "ls \"${destination_rsync_location}\" | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1")
           previous_backup=$(ls "${destination_rsync_location}" | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
rsync_replication() {
   local previous_backup  # declare variable 

   if [ "$replication" = "rsync" ]; then
       local snapshot_name="rsync_snapshot"
       if [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ]; then
           backup_date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M)
       do_rsync() {
           local snapshot_mount_point="$1"
           local rsync_destination="$2"
           local relative_dataset_path="$3"
           local link_dest_path="${destination_rsync_location}/${previous_backup}${relative_dataset_path}"
           [ -z "$previous_backup" ] && local link_dest="" || local link_dest="--link-dest=${link_dest_path}"
           echo "Link dest value is: $link_dest"
           # Log the link_dest value for debugging
           echo "Link dest value is: $link_dest"
           if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
               # Create the remote directory 
               [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ] && ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "mkdir -p \"${rsync_destination}\""
               # Rsync the snapshot to the remote destination with link-dest
               #rsync -azvvv --delete $link_dest -e ssh "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/"
               echo "Executing remote rsync: rsync -azvh --delete $link_dest -e ssh \"${snapshot_mount_point}/\" \"${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/\""
rsync -azvh --delete $link_dest -e ssh "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/"

               if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                   unraid_notify "Rsync replication failed from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}" "failure"
                   return 1
               # Ensure the backup directory exists
               [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ] && mkdir -p "${rsync_destination}"
               # Rsync the snapshot to the local destination with link-dest
             #  rsync -avv --delete $link_dest "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${rsync_destination}/"
             echo "Executing local rsync: rsync -avh --delete $link_dest \"${snapshot_mount_point}/\" \"${rsync_destination}/\""
rsync -avh --delete $link_dest "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${rsync_destination}/"

               if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                   unraid_notify "Rsync replication failed from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${rsync_destination}" "failure"
                   return 1
       echo "making a temporary zfs snapshot for rsync"
       zfs snapshot "${source_path}@${snapshot_name}"
       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
           unraid_notify "Failed to create ZFS snapshot for rsync: ${source_path}@${snapshot_name}" "failure"
           return 1
       local snapshot_mount_point="/mnt/${source_path}/.zfs/snapshot/${snapshot_name}"
       do_rsync "${snapshot_mount_point}" "${destination}" ""
       echo "deleting temporary snapshot"
       zfs destroy "${source_path}@${snapshot_name}"
       if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
           unraid_notify "Failed to delete ZFS snapshot after rsync: ${source_path}@${snapshot_name}" "failure"
           return 1
       # Replication for child sub-datasets
       local child_datasets=$(zfs list -r -H -o name "${source_path}" | tail -n +2)
       for child_dataset in ${child_datasets}; do
           local relative_path=$(echo "${child_dataset}" | sed "s|^${source_path}/||g")
           echo "making a temporary zfs snapshot (child) for rsync"
           zfs snapshot "${child_dataset}@${snapshot_name}"
           do_rsync "${snapshot_mount_point}" "${child_destination}" "/${relative_path}"
           zfs destroy "${child_dataset}@${snapshot_name}"
       # Send a single success Unraid notification after all datasets (main and child) have been processed.
       if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
           unraid_notify "Rsync ${rsync_type} replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${destination}" "success"
           unraid_notify "Rsync ${rsync_type} replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${destination}" "success"

# run the above functions 

And the script for appdata(Dockers)


#set -x
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# #   Script for snapshoting and/or replication a zfs dataset locally or remotely using zfs or rsync depending on the destination         # #
# #   (needs Unraid 6.12 or above)                                                                                                        # #
# #   by - SpaceInvaderOne                                                                                                                # # 
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# Main Variables
#Unraid notifications during process (sent to Unraid gui etc)
notification_type="all"  # set to "all" for both success & failure, to "error"for only failure or "none" for no notices to be sent.
notify_tune="no"  # as well as a notifiction, if sucessful it will play the Mario "achievment tune" or failure StarWars imperial march tune on beep speaker!
                   # sometimes good to have an audiable notification!! Set to "no" for silence. (this function your server needs a beep speaker)
# Source for snapshotting and/or replication
source_pool="cache"  #this is the zpool in which your source dataset resides (note the does NOT start with /mnt/)
source_dataset="appdata"   #this is the name of the dataset you want to snapshot and/or replicate
                                #If using auto snapshots souce pool CAN NOT contain spaces. This is because sanoid config doesnt handle them
#zfs snapshot settings
autosnapshots="yes" # set to "yes" to have script auto snapshot your source dataset. Set to "no" to skip snapshotting.
#snapshot retention policy (default below works well, but change to suit)
# remote server variables (leave as is (set to "no") if not backing up to another server)
destination_remote="no" # set to "no" for local backup to "yes" for a remote backup (remote location should be accessable paired with ssh with shared keys)
remote_user="root"  #remote user (an Unraid server will be root)
remote_server="" #remote servers name or ip
### replication settings
replication="zfs"   #this is set to the method for how you want to have the sourcedataset replicated - "zfs" , "rsync" or "none"
# zfs replication variables. You do NOT need these if replication set to "rsync" or "none"
destination_pool="disk5"  #this is the zpool in which your destination dataset will be created
parent_destination_dataset="zfs_backups_array" #this is the parent dataset in which a child dataset will be created containing the replicated data (zfs replication)
# For ZFS replication syncoid is used. The below variable sets some options for that.
# "strict-mirror" Strict mirroring that both mirrors the source and repairs mismatches (uses --force-delete flag).This will delete snapshots in the destination which are not in the source.
# "basic" Basic replication without any additional flags will not delete snapshots in destination if not in the source
# rsync replication variables. You do not need these if replication set to zfs or no
parent_destination_folder="/mnt/user/rsync_backup" # This is the parent directory in which a child directory will be created containing the replicated data (rsync)
rsync_type="incremental" # set to "incremental" for dated incremental backups or "mirror" for mirrored backups
#Advanced variables you do not need to change these.
# This function is to send messages to Unraid gui etc
unraid_notify() {
    local message="$1"
    local flag="$2"
    # Check the notification_type variable
    if [[ "$notification_type" == "none" ]]; then
        return 0  # Exit the function if notification_type is set to 'none'
    # If notification_type is set to 'error' and the flag is 'success', exit the function
    if [[ "$notification_type" == "error" && "$flag" == "success" ]]; then
        return 0  # Do not process success messages
    # Determine the severity of the message based on the flag it received
    local severity
if [[ "$flag" == "success" ]]; then
    # Play success tune based on the value of 'notify_tune' and 'tune'
    if [[ "$notify_tune" == "yes" ]]; then
        if [[ "$tune" == "2" ]]; then
        # plays the old nokia ring tone (only used on snapshot sucess)
            beep -l 150 -f 1318.51022765 -n -l 150 -f 1174.65907167 -n -l 270 -f 739.988845423 -n -l 240 -f 830.60939516 -n -l 120 -f 1108.73052391 -n -l 150 -f 987.766602512 -n -l 270 -f 587.329535835 -n -l 240 -f 659.255113826 -n -l 150 -f 987.766602512 -n -l 120 -f 880.0 -n -l 270 -f 554.365261954 -n -l 240 -f 659.255113826 -n -l 1050 -f 880.0
        # plays the Mario achievement tune !! this is the main sucess tune used
            beep -f 130 -l 100 -n -f 262 -l 100 -n -f 330 -l 100 -n -f 392 -l 100 -n -f 523 -l 100 -n -f 660 -l 100 -n -f 784 -l 300 -n -f 660 -l 300 -n -f 146 -l 100 -n -f 262 -l 100 -n -f 311 -l 100 -n -f 415 -l 100 -n -f 523 -l 100 -n -f 622 -l 100 -n -f 831 -l 300 -n -f 622 -l 300 -n -f 155 -l 100 -n -f 294 -l 100 -n -f 349 -l 100 -n -f 466 -l 100 -n -f 588 -l 100 -n -f 699 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 300 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 933 -l 100 -n -f 1047 -l 400
        # Play failure tune if notify_tune is set to 'yes'
        if [[ "$notify_tune" == "yes" ]]; then
        # plays the Starwars imperial march tune !!
            beep -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 587.32 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 622.26 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 369.99 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.1 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.2 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 784 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 784 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 739.98 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 698.46 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 659.26 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 622.26 -D 100 -n -l 50 -f 659.26 -D 400 -n -l 25 -f 415.3 -D 200 -n -l 350 -f 554.36 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 493.88 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 440 -D 100 -n -l 50 -f 466.16 -D 400 -n -l 25 -f 311.13 -D 200 -n -l 350 -f 369.99 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 311.13 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 350 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 250 -f 392 -D 100 -n -l 25 -f 466.16 -D 100 -n -l 700 -f 587.32
    # Call the Unraid notification script
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "Backup Notification" -d "$message" -i "$severity"
# This function performs pre-run checks.
pre_run_checks() {
  # check for essential utilities
  if [ ! -x "$(which zfs)" ]; then
    msg='ZFS utilities are not found. This script is meant for Unraid 6.12 or above (which includes ZFS support). Please ensure you are using the correct Unraid version.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/sanoid ]; then
    msg='Sanoid is not found or not executable. Please install Sanoid and try again.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$replication" = "zfs" ] && [ ! -x /usr/local/sbin/syncoid ]; then
    msg='Syncoid is not found or not executable. Please install Syncoid plugin and try again.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  # check if the dataset and pool exist
  if ! zfs list -H "${source_path}" &>/dev/null; then
    msg="Error: The source dataset '${source_dataset}' does not exist."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  # check if autosnapshots is set to "yes" and source_dataset has a space in its name
  if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" && "${source_dataset}" == *" "* ]]; then
    msg="Error: Autosnapshots is enabled and the source dataset name '${source_dataset}' contains spaces. Rename the dataset without spaces and try again. This is because although ZFS does support spaces in dataset names sanoid config file doesnt parse them correctly"
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  local used
  used=$(zfs get -H -o value used "${source_path}")
  if [[ ${used} == 0B ]]; then
    msg="The source dataset '${source_path}' is empty. Nothing to replicate."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
    echo "Replication target is a remote server. I will check it is available..."
    # Attempt an SSH connection. If it fails, print an error message and exit.
    if ! ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" echo 'SSH connection successful' &>/dev/null; then
      msg='SSH connection failed. Please check your remote server details and ensure ssh keys are exchanged.'
      echo "$msg"
      unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
      exit 1
    echo "Replication target is a local/same server."
  # check script configuration variables
  if [ "$replication" != "zfs" ] && [ "$replication" != "rsync" ] && [ "$replication" != "none" ]; then
    msg="$replication is not a valid replication method. Please set it to either 'zfs', 'rsync', or 'none'."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1

  if [ "$autosnapshots" != "yes" ] && [ "$autosnapshots" != "no" ]; then
    msg="The 'autosnapshots' variable is not set to a valid value. Please set it to either 'yes' or 'no'."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$destination_remote" != "yes" ] && [ "$destination_remote" != "no" ]; then
    msg="The 'destination_remote' variable is not set to a valid value. Please set it to either 'yes' or 'no'."
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
    if [ -z "$remote_user" ] || [ -z "$remote_server" ]; then
      msg="The 'remote_user' and 'remote_server' must be set when 'destination_remote' is set to 'yes'."
      echo "$msg"
      unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
      exit 1
  if [ "$replication" = "none" ] && [ "$autosnapshots" = "no" ]; then
    msg='Both replication and autosnapshots are set to "none". Please configure them so that the script can perform some work.'
    echo "$msg"
    unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
    exit 1
  if [ "$replication" = "rsync" ]; then
    if [ "$rsync_type" != "incremental" ] && [ "$rsync_type" != "mirror" ]; then
      msg='Invalid rsync_type. Please set it to either "incremental" or "mirror".'
      echo "$msg"
      unraid_notify "$msg" "failure"
      exit 1
  # If all checks passed print below
  echo "All pre-run checks passed. Continuing..."
# This function will build a Sanoid config file for use with the script
create_sanoid_config() {
  # only make config if autosnapshots is set to "yes"
  if [ "${autosnapshots}" != "yes" ]; then
  # check if the configuration directory exists, if not create it
  if [ ! -d "${sanoid_config_complete_path}" ]; then
    mkdir -p "${sanoid_config_complete_path}"
  # check if the sanoid.defaults.conf file exists in the configuration directory, if not copy it from the default location
  if [ ! -f "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.defaults.conf" ]; then
    cp /etc/sanoid/sanoid.defaults.conf "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.defaults.conf"
  # check if a configuration file has already been created from a previous run, if so exit the function
  if [ -f "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf" ]; then
# this  creates the new configuration file based off variables for retention
  echo "[${source_path}]" > "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "use_template = production" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "recursive = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "[template_production]" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "hourly = ${snapshot_hours}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "daily = ${snapshot_days}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "weekly = ${snapshot_weeks}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "monthly = ${snapshot_months}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "yearly = ${snapshot_years}" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "autosnap = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
  echo "autoprune = yes" >> "${sanoid_config_complete_path}sanoid.conf"
# This fuction will autosnapshot the source dataset using Sanoid
autosnap() {
  # check if autosnapshots is set to "yes" before creating snapshots
  if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" ]]; then
    # Create the snapshots on the source directory using Sanoid if required
    echo "creating the automatic snapshots using sanoid based off retention policy"
    /usr/local/sbin/sanoid --configdir="${sanoid_config_complete_path}" --take-snapshots
    # check the exit status of the sanoid command 
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      unraid_notify "Automatic snapshot creation using Sanoid was successful for source: ${source_path}" "success"
      unraid_notify "Automatic snapshot creation using Sanoid failed for source: ${source_path}" "failure"
    echo "Autosnapshots are not set to 'yes', skipping..."
# This fuction will autoprune the source dataset using sanoid
autoprune() {
  # rheck if autosnapshots is set to "yes" before creating snapshots
  if [[ "${autosnapshots}" == "yes" ]]; then
   echo "pruning the automatic snapshots using sanoid based off retention policy"
# run Sanoid to prune snapshots based on retention policy
/usr/local/sbin/sanoid --configdir="${sanoid_config_complete_path}" --prune-snapshots
    echo "Autosnapshots are not set to 'yes', skipping..."
# This function  does the zfs replication
zfs_replication() {
  # Check if replication method is set to ZFS
  if [ "$replication" = "zfs" ]; then
    # Check if the destination location was set to remote
    if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
      # check if the parent destination ZFS dataset exists on the remote server. If not, create it.
      ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "if ! zfs list -o name -H '${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}' &>/dev/null; then zfs create '${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}'; fi"
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        unraid_notify "Failed to check or create ZFS dataset on remote server: ${destination}" "failure"
        return 1
      # check if the parent destination ZFS dataset exists locally. If not, create it.
      if ! zfs list -o name -H "${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}" &>/dev/null; then
        zfs create "${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
          unraid_notify "Failed to check or create local ZFS dataset: ${destination_pool}/${parent_destination_dataset}" "failure"
          return 1
    # calc which syncoid flags to use, based on syncoid_mode
    local -a syncoid_flags=("-r")
    case "${syncoid_mode}" in
        # No additional flags other than -r
        echo "Invalid syncoid_mode. Please set it to 'strict-mirror', or 'basic'."
        exit 1
    # Use syncoid to replicate snapshot to the destination dataset
    echo "Starting ZFS replication using syncoid with mode: ${syncoid_mode}"
    /usr/local/sbin/syncoid "${syncoid_flags[@]}" "${source_path}" "${destination}"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
        unraid_notify "ZFS replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${destination}" "success"
        unraid_notify "ZFS replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${destination}" "success"
      unraid_notify "ZFS replication failed from source: ${source_path} to ${destination}" "failure"
      return 1
    echo "ZFS replication not set. Skipping ZFS replication."
# These below functions do the rsync replication
# Gets the most recent backup to compare against (used by below funcrions)
get_previous_backup() {
    if [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ]; then
        if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
            echo "Running: ssh ${remote_user}@${remote_server} \"ls ${destination_rsync_location} | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1\""
            previous_backup=$(ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "ls \"${destination_rsync_location}\" | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1")
            previous_backup=$(ls "${destination_rsync_location}" | sort -r | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)
rsync_replication() {
    local previous_backup  # declare variable 

    if [ "$replication" = "rsync" ]; then
        local snapshot_name="rsync_snapshot"
        if [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ]; then
            backup_date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M)
        do_rsync() {
            local snapshot_mount_point="$1"
            local rsync_destination="$2"
            local relative_dataset_path="$3"
            local link_dest_path="${destination_rsync_location}/${previous_backup}${relative_dataset_path}"
            [ -z "$previous_backup" ] && local link_dest="" || local link_dest="--link-dest=${link_dest_path}"
            echo "Link dest value is: $link_dest"
            # Log the link_dest value for debugging
            echo "Link dest value is: $link_dest"
            if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
                # Create the remote directory 
                [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ] && ssh "${remote_user}@${remote_server}" "mkdir -p \"${rsync_destination}\""
                # Rsync the snapshot to the remote destination with link-dest
                #rsync -azvvv --delete $link_dest -e ssh "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/"
                echo "Executing remote rsync: rsync -azvh --delete $link_dest -e ssh \"${snapshot_mount_point}/\" \"${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/\""
rsync -azvh --delete $link_dest -e ssh "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}/"

                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                    unraid_notify "Rsync replication failed from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${rsync_destination}" "failure"
                    return 1
                # Ensure the backup directory exists
                [ "$rsync_type" = "incremental" ] && mkdir -p "${rsync_destination}"
                # Rsync the snapshot to the local destination with link-dest
              #  rsync -avv --delete $link_dest "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${rsync_destination}/"
              echo "Executing local rsync: rsync -avh --delete $link_dest \"${snapshot_mount_point}/\" \"${rsync_destination}/\""
rsync -avh --delete $link_dest "${snapshot_mount_point}/" "${rsync_destination}/"

                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                    unraid_notify "Rsync replication failed from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${rsync_destination}" "failure"
                    return 1
        echo "making a temporary zfs snapshot for rsync"
        zfs snapshot "${source_path}@${snapshot_name}"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            unraid_notify "Failed to create ZFS snapshot for rsync: ${source_path}@${snapshot_name}" "failure"
            return 1
        local snapshot_mount_point="/mnt/${source_path}/.zfs/snapshot/${snapshot_name}"
        do_rsync "${snapshot_mount_point}" "${destination}" ""
        echo "deleting temporary snapshot"
        zfs destroy "${source_path}@${snapshot_name}"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            unraid_notify "Failed to delete ZFS snapshot after rsync: ${source_path}@${snapshot_name}" "failure"
            return 1
        # Replication for child sub-datasets
        local child_datasets=$(zfs list -r -H -o name "${source_path}" | tail -n +2)
        for child_dataset in ${child_datasets}; do
            local relative_path=$(echo "${child_dataset}" | sed "s|^${source_path}/||g")
            echo "making a temporary zfs snapshot (child) for rsync"
            zfs snapshot "${child_dataset}@${snapshot_name}"
            do_rsync "${snapshot_mount_point}" "${child_destination}" "/${relative_path}"
            zfs destroy "${child_dataset}@${snapshot_name}"
        # Send a single success Unraid notification after all datasets (main and child) have been processed.
        if [ "$destination_remote" = "yes" ]; then
            unraid_notify "Rsync ${rsync_type} replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to remote destination: ${remote_user}@${remote_server}:${destination}" "success"
            unraid_notify "Rsync ${rsync_type} replication was successful from source: ${source_path} to local destination: ${destination}" "success"

# run the above functions 

Now you just have to set Host Path for /data: /mnt/user/zfs_backups_array/ in the duplicacy docker container settings.

And last but not least, all credit for this solution should go to SpaceInvaderOne

Good luck

Also, here is a handy script for checking if any content in domains or appdata are regular forders or zfs datasets.

FOLDER_OR_DATASET (this script don’t run in a schedule, just manualy when you want to check if all is working)


source_datasets=("cache/appdata" "cache_vm/domains")  # List your source datasets here

# Do not change anything below here
handle_dataset() {
    local source_dataset="$1"

  # set example dummy dataset so script can see if user has chaged them before running
    local dummy_datasets=("cache/appdata" "cache_vm/domains")
  # Check if the dataset exists
    if ! zfs list "$source_dataset" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        # Check if the dataset is a dummy
        for dummy_dataset in "${dummy_datasets[@]}"; do
            if [ "$source_dataset" == "$dummy_dataset" ]; then
                echo "Error: $source_dataset is an example dummy location in the script. You should change this to a real valid location for your server."
                return 1

        # If the dataset doesn't exist, check if the directory exists
        if [ -d "${mount_point}/${source_dataset}" ]; then
            echo "Error: $source_dataset this location exists, but it's not a ZFS dataset. Please select a dataset not a folder as the source"
            echo "Error: $source_dataset this location doesn't exist. Please check your script."
        return 1

    # add Unraid mountpoint
    local dataset_path="${mount_point}/${source_dataset}"

    # Get datasets
    local zfs_datasets=$(zfs list -Ho name -r "$source_dataset" | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | tail -n +2)

    # List datasets
    echo -e "\n**Datasets in $source_dataset are**"
    if [[ -z $zfs_datasets ]]; then
        echo "There are no datasets"
        echo "$zfs_datasets"

    # Get all directories
    local all_directories=()
    local oldIFS=$IFS
    for dir in $(find "$dataset_path" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d); do
        # restore the IFS
        # change IFS back to handle newline only for the next loop iteration
    # restore the IFS

    # List regular directories/folders
    echo -e "\n**Folders in $source_dataset are**"
    local folders_found=0
    for folder in "${all_directories[@]}"; do

        if ! grep -Fxq "$folder" <<< "$zfs_datasets"; then
            echo "$folder"

    if [[ $folders_found -eq 0 ]]; then
        echo "There are no folders"

# Process each dataset
for dataset in "${source_datasets[@]}"; do
    handle_dataset "$dataset"
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""

Thanks for this, it’s hopefully just what I’m looking for.
Regarding this statement:

Does that mean that this method requires a dedicated ZFS drive outside of the array?

I already have a ZFS formatted drive in my array (from following SpaceInvaderOne’s YouTube tutorial) that I would rather use for the backups if possible.
