This is an emergency release for fixing a bug in the copy command when the destination storage is RSA-encrypted: Fixed a bug that disabled RSA when copying from a non RSA-encrypted s… · gilbertchen/duplicacy@6699e2f · GitHub
You’re affected by this bug if you’re
- running 2.3.0 and copying from a source storage of any type (unencrypted, RSA-encrypted, and non-RSA-encrypted) to an RSA-encrypted destination storage
- running 2.4.0 and copying from a source storage (unencrypted or non-RSA-encrypted) to an RSA-encrypted destination storage
You’ll need to clean up the storage and start from fresh; otherwise either all chunks are not encrypted by RSA (case 2), or all chunks are encrypted by RSA (case 1) causing all commands (backup, list, check, and prune) to require the private key to work.