New to Duplicacy, need help with Prune policy

I’m trying to figure out what the correct options I need to set to have a prune policy similar to what I have set in Proxmox:


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Can anyone help? Basically, I’d want to keep 14 days of backups, then 3 weekly backups, then a month of backups.

Also, does Duplicacy monitor these forums? I’m surprised nobody answered, as I was considering purchasing Duplicacy.

There is email support from developer for paid commercial users I believe. This is, on the other hand, a public user to user forum, where users volunteer to help each other. If you did not receive an answer on your question — perhaps nobody found the question interesting enough or worth answering?

Why could that be?

You are essentially asking someone to do all the work for you, without showing what have you already tried yourself and what difficulties have you encountered. Nobody wants to do homework for you. Especially when the answer is readily available in the documentation.

My (I’m just another user) answer would be: did you read prune documentation? prune · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub? It’s pretty clear and has examples.

What have you tried so far? What did not work? Prune has dry-run mode where you can experiment with various settings.

Please understand, I’m not being hostile or rude, just trying to explain why you might not have received an answer from my understanding of how this and similar public forums work. there is an excellent document about asking questions if you are interested to learn more:

Thanks, I have looked into the documentation, and it’s confusing. I’ll end up purchasing the software for support; however, it does say something when you compare it to software like Proxmox, which has a much more helpful community, and they even built a “Prune Simulation” tool so that you could see how things would work without having to set options, wait, prune, reconfigure, and repeat. It seems like there are a lot of people who have questions about this and it’s something that comes up with any backup software, so I’m at least grateful that Proxmox provides helpful tools even to users who use their open-source edition.

The WebUI has an UI to configure a standard-ish prune policy. You can download it and play with it. You don’t need a license to do so.

Let me know if there is anything I can elaborate on specifically?

prune · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub seems to contain examples.