New Web GUI User, Prune and Check Best Practices?

I’m a new Web GUI user and successfully had my first backup with Wasabi using the Quick Start tutorial. I’m still lost on when to use the Prune and Check functionality but see that I can add that to a job. I did a search but didn’t see it laid out in any tutorial or similar newbie friendly topics. Does anyone have any recommendations on Prune and Check best practices for a personal dateset that may change monthly and I’m doing weekly backups?

If you’re doing weekly backups, I would suggest running a check job and a prune job after every backup in the same schedule. The option for the prune job may be -keep 0:1800 -a which means to delete backups older than 5 years. You can enter any value at the configuration page of the prune job – after creating the prune job, click the option to change it to -keep 0:1800 -a.