"No previous revisions found" error

I downloaded Duplicacy 2.1.0 beta 11. Created a new backup job (backed up to Backblaze B2 cloud). After it completed successfully, I tried to Restore it.

As soon as click the Restore button, I get a popup dialog with the caption “Duplicacy Error” and error text that says “No previous revisions found”.

A different machine was also backing up to the same storage.

Did the initial backup actually finish? Do you see the snapshot file snapshots/repository_id/1 in the storage?

The second machine had not finished, but the first machine (which I was trying to restore) had finished successfully.

Yes, the repository snapshot file “1” is there and is 600 bytes in length.

Can you try to run the CLI executable to list the revision:

cd /path/to/repository
duplicacy_executable -d list

On Windows, the CLI executable can be found under either C:\Program Files (x86)\Duplicacy or C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Duplicacy, depending on if you installed Duplicacy for all users or for the current user only.

On macOS, the CLI executable is usually under /Applications/Duplicacy.app/Contents/Resources.

In the text output that follows, I have replaced certain private info with {...}
Here is the output:

Storage set to b2://{...}
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_B2_ID
Reading b2_id from keychain/keyring
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_B2_KEY
Reading b2_key from keychain/keyring
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_B2_ID
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_B2_KEY
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_PASSWORD
Reading password from keychain/keyring
Using 16384 iterations for key derivation
URL request 'HEAD https://f000.backblazeb2.com/file/{...}/nesting' returned status code 404
b2_download_file_by_name did not return headers
Chunk read levels: [1], write level: 1
Compression level: 100
Average chunk size: 4194304
Maximum chunk size: 16777216
Minimum chunk size: 1048576
Chunk seed: a5ca83e2a42cbc6d6f11a3b9daf7136dce739eee9ee79b33b4e686f7218f34de
Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_GUI1_PASSWORD
id: {...}, revisions: [], tag: , showFiles: false, showChunks: false
Listing revisions for snapshot {...}

Did you use the default repository id generated by the GUI? Does it contain any special characters?