Optimal speed settings for backup/ restore | win server 2016 | 500/500 fiber | duplicacy web 1.8

hi there forum-goers!

trying to see what optimal settings would be with setup as per title of this post. fairly a novice, and using web gui edition. as lay a description as possible would be much appreciated!

currently, i have the following in the ‘command options’ field: -threads 4 -vss

any params to add to ‘global options’?

thanks for any input.

Depends on your storage destination, connection latency, cost of storage, type of data you are backing up. You can tune the backup for those parameters.

Otherwise — keep increasing thread count until you see no improvement. Unless you use Dropbox/Onedrive; then don’t use more than 2 threads.

amazon s3, 3ms, not relevant, miscellaneous files/ sizes.

This is perfect!

Keep increasing the thread count until you see diminishing return. 20, 30, 50 are reasonable thread counts to try.

You can further optimize transfer efficiency by initializing duplicacy store with larger chunk size (default is average 4MB), at the expense of some extra storage use.

will do. thank you!

just moved away from google drive, as per the common consensus throughout the forums here. it took tens of minutes just to populate the revision history dropdown. restoring so incredibly long, it simply isn’t an option.

are there flags which can/ should be adjusted separately for restore operations (duplicacy or s3 bucket settings)?


are there flags which can/ should be adjusted separately for restore operations (duplicacy or s3 bucket settings)?

the speed i’m getting seems quite poor. connection is 500/500 low latency business fiber. dedicated line, and full capacity available during test below:


You may want to try -threads parameter there as well, it will parallelize each file but not across all files afaik

adding the param got it pretty close to saturating the line. thanks!

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