Path not found in One Drive

I have the access token file and the directory “Backup” created at root in my OneDrive.

Error failed to load the OneDrive Storage at one://Backup: Path ‘Backup’ doesn’t exist.

I’ve tried with ohers folders and same issu.

Thanks in advance

It looks like there is some change in the responses of some OneDrive API calls that caused some weird behavior for Duplicacy. I’ll release a fix tonight.

This bug has been fixed in 1.2.4. If you download the installer again you will get this version.

Thanks a lot¡¡¡¡

I’ve tried for several days and the issue persist. I’ve unistalled, installed, regenerated the token and same issue.

Thanks in advance

This is strange.

To confirm, I created a new onedrive account, authorized on, and then ran a backup. Everything worked as expected.

Could it be that you have multiple onedrive accounts and authorized a wrong one for Duplicacy to access?

You are right¡¡¡¡

I have a personal and a empresarial account with the same name and by default Duplicacy generates the token for the personal account. It’s solved for me.


I can’t use it with mi onedrive account within office365. Just with my personal onedrive account. It’s that true?


Right, the OneDrive business account has different requirements on the app registration and authorization that Duplicacy currently doesn’t support.