Permissions accessing volume used for Windows Server Backup

When attempting to backup a volume on a Windows Server 2016 system that is used for Windows Server Backup, permission is denied. Taking ownership and applying permissions at the drive level does not resolve the issue. Is there a way to do configure Duplicacy that will consistently backup these volumes?

Can you post the logs here or send them to

No problem I’ll send the logs to the email address.

Looks like I may have discovered the answer.

If I reinstall by right-clicking and running install file with the “Run as administrator” option > start as a service > configure to use shadow copy (key!), then it will write the Windows Server Backup items onto storage. This is probably because there is a system level lock on the files while they are in queue through the backup scheduler. This seems to be resolved.

By the way, I had to reinstall because unless you Run as administrator, the only option that shows up is to start on logon rather than start as a service.

Thank you for sharing the solution! Another way to install the service is to run the Duplicacy GUI executable with the --install option from a DOS prompt window.