Possible to use the same Storage Name across multiple computers?

I searched but couldn’t find an answer to this on the forum. I’m planning to backup to OneDrive from several stations and was wondering if it is ok to use the same Storage Name across multiple computers? The very first time I setup storage on OneDrive, I got this:

When I repeat at a second computer and select the same folder that I use on OneDrive for the other, I get this:

The word “Unique” left me wondering if it would be possible or if I should avoid using the same name for a particular reason.

Storage name in the Web UI is just a human-friendly name local to the client. Unique on each client, but you can safely use the same name across multiple machines, since the name itself isn’t stored on the backup storage location.

That’s the answer I was looking for. Thank you!

So I originally thought it had to be unique across all machines so I created different storage names between machines. Now what happens if I go back and delete the existing storage so I can re-create so it is named “OneDrive”. I will also change the backup and the scheduled task to match the changed name. Will that be a problem? Or can I just go and change it in the json file instead?

I personally wouldn’t tinker with the json since the names are used as identifiers for things like graph stats (which are stored under .duplicacy-web\stats). I guess it’s possible but there might be a lot to change.

You can certainly re-add the storage with a different name, but ofc you’ll have to re-add the backup and schedules - which are easy enough - though using a different storage name would also mean you’d lose the graphs as well.

Backups will be intact, so long as you keep those IDs the same. Schedule names are unimportant.

Indeed, it would be nice if Duplicacy could have a simple renaming feature built-in…

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