Human readable sizes would be nice, so that
Packed mysql.daily.dump.0.gz (435200)
Packed mysql.daily.dump.0.gz (425 K)
Human readable sizes would be nice, so that
Packed mysql.daily.dump.0.gz (435200)
Packed mysql.daily.dump.0.gz (425 K)
Personally, I would prefer to know the exact file sizes in bytes for diagnostic purposes - that’s really what the detailed logs are mainly for anyway, imo. Though if there was a -[hH]
option, that might be useful.
I like both options for pretty printing sizes and think both are useful (since i am both an admin and a normal user).
Here’s a third option to make decisions harder: what if we show full size in bytes, but use the system’s locale thousands separator (or maybe a user-chosen character), so size 7463892435298
would become 7_463_892_435_298
in case the user chooses _
as separator, 7.463.892.435.298
if the locale is non US, or 7,463,892,435,298
if the locale is US.
For reference here is my current locale on windows:
PS C:\Users\crist> Get-Culture
LCID Name DisplayName
---- ---- -----------
1033 en-US English (United States)
PS C:\Users\crist> (Get-Culture).NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator
PS C:\Users\crist> (Get-Culture).NumberFormat
CurrencyDecimalDigits : 2
CurrencyDecimalSeparator : .
IsReadOnly : False
CurrencyGroupSizes : {3}
NumberGroupSizes : {3}
PercentGroupSizes : {3}
CurrencyGroupSeparator : ,
CurrencySymbol : $
NaNSymbol : NaN
CurrencyNegativePattern : 0
NumberNegativePattern : 1
PercentPositivePattern : 1
PercentNegativePattern : 1
NegativeInfinitySymbol : -∞
NegativeSign : -
NumberDecimalDigits : 2
NumberDecimalSeparator : .
NumberGroupSeparator : , // this is the one
CurrencyPositivePattern : 0
PositiveInfinitySymbol : ∞
PositiveSign : +
PercentDecimalDigits : 2
PercentDecimalSeparator : .
PercentGroupSeparator : ,
PercentSymbol : %
PerMilleSymbol : ‰
NativeDigits : {0, 1, 2, 3...}
DigitSubstitution : None
And here’s what oracle docs say about number localisation.
If i would do this just for me, I would be happy to have the sizes pretty-printed with _
or .
as separator and call it a day.
Here’s another proposal that might please everyone: What about human readable file sizes with zero rounding?
So, if a file size is 123456789 bytes, Duplicacy simple notes it as “123.456789 MB”