I hate to be “that guy” when I know this has been covered several times but I’m hoping that someone more well versed in Duplicacy’s pruning system could glance at my config and confirm if its going to act the way I expect.
I’m switching from Duplicati after several issues and, for my use case at least, have always felt like their “Smart Backup Retention” policy fit my needs just fine so I’m trying to roughly mimic that in Duplicacy with my own twist. Here’s what I’ve come up with:
-keep 0:1095 -keep 365:365 -keep 30:35 -keep 7:8
I typically run my backups nightly and some jobs only run one or two nights a week. In my head this policy should remove all backups older than 3 years, keep one yearly backup for each of the last 3 years, keep 1 monthly backup for the previous year, keep weekly backups for the previous 5 weeks, and I’ll have my daily or however frequenly run backups for the previous week.
If someone has suggestions for improving my retention times please let me know what you’d change. I’m always open to improvements!
Thanks in advance