Hi all,
I am delighted to open this new topic (I am doing it in both rclone and Duplicacy forum) to request a future collaboration between two of the best tools all over the internet for backing up data which is not yet in place.
Basically this Feature request is to be able to create a serve a remote over a given protocol with Rclone to serve files for Duplicacy so we can perform backups directly similar as the restic integration and we can use duplicacy in those storage provides not supported yet.
Now I am backing up it with “rclone” mount option, but that makes all the files available in the server as a mount point (that can lead to mistakes due to incorrect deletions).
I have tested the restic rclone integration and it works like a charm, hence I am looking forward to see such a good piece of work for the two best backup tools (GitHub - gilbertchen/benchmarking: A performance comparison of Duplicacy, restic, Attic, and duplicity) I have the pleasure to use. Rclone and Duplicacy.
What do you think?