Recommendations for Backblaze B2 Bucket Settings

Does anyone have any recommendations for Backblaze B2 bucket settings as well as app key settings? I have mine setup currently, but I’m curious if there’s anything optimal that I’m missing out on.

What are you trying to achieve or optimize?

Did you see this? Backup Immutability - Object Lock support? - #22 by tallgrass

I guess I’m mostly looking for best practices. For instance, my current settings are:
Bucket Settings
Files in Bucket are: private
Default Encryption: Disable (using Duplicacy’s encryption)
Lifecycle Settings
Keep only the last version of the file
Object Lock
CORS Settings
Do not share any files with any origin
API Key Settings

deleteFiles, listAllBucketNames, listBuckets, listFiles, readBucketEncryption, readBucketReplications, readBuckets, readFiles, shareFiles, writeBucketEncryption, writeBucketReplications, writeFiles

It seems like maybe I should enable object locks, but unsure what else I should be doing here without negatively impacting Duplicacy.

Per documentation,

Please note that if you back up multiple repositories to the same bucket, the lifecyle rules of the bucket is recommended to be set to Keep all versions of the file which is the default one. The Keep prior versions for this number of days option will work too if the number of days is more than 7.

You can, if you will not prune. Otherwise to achieve similar effect see the link to discussion I posted above.