Restore fails due to symlink

I am currently restoring my backup but actually it fails:
Can't create symlink Name/Folder: symlink \mnt\Folder \\?\W:\Name\Folder: Dem Client fehlt ein erforderliches Recht.
(Client is missing a specific permission)

I restarted the restore as administrator:
Can't create symlink Name/Folder: symlink \mnt\Folder \\?\W:\Name\Folder: Die Datei oder das Verzeichnis ist kein Analysepunkt.

(The File or Folder is no point of analysis)

This is actually blocking my restore and this folder seemed to have a strange link to /mnt
Is there an option to skip this? I was not successful using exclude patterns

@TheBestPessimist had a similar issue but I don’t know how to fix this in case of a restore

The error Die Datei oder das Verzeichnis ist kein Analysepunkt. seems to be translated as The file or directory is not a reparse point.

Can it be that you need to mount that folder since it’s on a network? Otherwise, i’m not really sure.

Here’s another idea: are you restoring to a smb network share? In that case: you simply cannot create symlinks on a network share.

Your error:

Can't create symlink Name/Folder: symlink \mnt\Folder \\?\W:\Name\Folder: Die Datei oder das Verzeichnis ist kein Analysepunkt.

So :d: is trying to create(restore) symlink Name/Folder (this is how it appears in the backup).
This has the target /mnt/Folder. But this real (as in “it must exist”) folder refers to a folder on the current machine which does the restore, and not to the original machine where the backup was done.
Lastly \\?\W:\Name\Folder refers to the full path where the symlink will be created(restored).

Now to unblock the restore.

Maybe the documentation can be made clearer about the ignore patters, but i think they should be passed something along the lines of

duplicacy.exe restore -r 1  -- "-Name/Folder"

So i think you need to add at the end of the restore command the following: -- "-Name/Folder".

If it matters, my original issue is: How to restore a symlink repository?

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duplicacy.exe restore -r 1 -- "-Name/Folder"

I already used an include pattern for the restore command:
duplicacy restore -r 346 -threads 1 -stats -overwrite Pictures/*

How can I use exclude and include at the same time?
And yes I am using an SMB share :slight_smile:


duplicacy restore -r 346 -threads 3 -stats -overwrite Name/* -- "-Name/Folder"
did not solve the problem

well there’s your problem. can’t create symlinks on smb.

How can I use exclude and include at the same time?

uh,oh … someone help me here, pls? (not at my :d: pc for the rest of the week)

I really don’t need the links. As you proposed here:

this would be my favorite solution

Found a solution by excluding all other folders and the symlinks.
But this is just a workaround I guess

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