"Restore" restores only one file instead doing all selected files or the whole folder

When I select a group of files it will only restore one of them.
Same if I choose a folder to be restored: it will restore only the first file in the folder.

I’m using v2.1

I think there was an error that caused other files to fail to be restored but unfortunately it is a bug in the restore code that doesn’t show the error. You can try running the CLI to see what error it is:

cd /path/to/repository
duplicacy restore -r revision -- dir/to/be/restored/*

On Windows, the Duplicacy CLI executable can be found under either C:\Program Files (x86)\Duplicacy or C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Duplicacy, depending on if you installed Duplicacy for all users or for the current user only.

On macOS, the Duplicacy CLI executable is usually under /Applications/Duplicacy.app/Contents/Resources.

I’m having the same issue from the GUI.

Here’s what I get when I run the command from command line

Steves-MacBook-Pro:Restore_Duplicacy stevebuck$ duplicacy restore -r 92 -- "Data/Data/iTunes/Music/2Pac/*"
Storage set to b2://BoxroomNASDuplicacy
Restoring /Users/stevebuck/Downloads/Restore_Duplicacy to revision 92
Downloaded Data/Data/iTunes/Music/2Pac/Live at House of Blues/07 Doggfather.mp3 (3430439)
Failed to change uid or gid: chown /Users/stevebuck/Downloads/Restore_Duplicacy/Data/Data/iTunes/Music/2Pac/Live at House of Blues/07 Doggfather.mp3: operation not permitted

Actually, I added sudo and now it’s working from command line.

This is an old issue, but I have the same problem - sort of.

I’m having to restore a fairly substantial set of files from a 1 TB backup (the original disk has partially failed). On macOS w/ Duplicacy 2.1.0, I cannot restore more than one file, even selecting a directory only restores the first file. FWIW, there are spaces in the directory name.

Apologies for stressing this, but it’s fairly urgent for me - restoring hundreds of files in different directories by manually selecting individual files is virtually impossible. Any tip or workaround on how to get these files back would be very much appreciated.

UPDATE: I can work around this from the command line, and had to use sudo. Otherwise, it fails with this error: “Failed to change uid or gid: chown /…/IMG_0003.CR2: operation not permitted”. So the urgency is gone, I think - \o/

Would the -ignore-owner option work?

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Yes, I can confirm that with -ignore-owner, there’s no need for sudo.

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