Restore to new location using CLI

I am using CLI interface to initialize storage and repository.
init command allow me to specefy both, storage and repository location
init command make .duplicacy/preferences file in the current folder where save all my options

Simple quiestion. How I can restore my backup to different location ?
restore command do not have -repository option to specefy new palce for restore operation.
When I trying to run init command before restore with another -reposotory option I got follow message:

“The repository … has already been initialized”
And thats it, no changes in .duplicacy/preferences file
I there any way to restore my backup in different location, using CLI interface ?

It seems restore will only restore to the location repository is initialized in. So if you want to restore to another location — initialize repository there.

It should be a feature request.

Look like you right.
I need to change current directory and initialize new repository.

To run restore command from the same directory I have two choises:

  1. Delete “.duplicacy/preferences” file and reinit storage and repository, specefy new repository path.
  2. Edit “.duplicacy/preferences” file and change “repository” entry with some simple script.

If you do it from the same directory, it will restore files relative to (i.e. into) this directory. Maybe not what you want.