Restore worked but permission issue

Hey, just restored some test files from Freenas to Unraid, worked like a charm. When i try to delete the files though they were root and i couldn’t delete them, how do the permissions work. Also, they maintained the file structure, so i restored to temp but they went to \temp\Keep\Misc\Pictures\Disneyland 2010, can that be changed?

So glad it worked though, love the program.

The restore command preserves files permissions by default, but you can set the -ignore-owner option to skip this step.

Files are always restored to the same (relative) subfolder where they were during the backup and this can’t be changed.

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thanks man! hey where do i put the -ignore-owner option and is there any drawback?

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If you are using the WebUI, you place that in “Backup Options” Section.

hey thanks Stan… i am using the WebUi. is there any downside to restoring without permissions? so it looks like this? -threads 4 -ignore-owner?

Give it a test, restore the data to somewhere it won’t do any harm and see if your usual users can access them. Also you can see the permissions of the files with
$ ls- la