Restoring to Repository Subfolder

Having performed a backup, I have been trying to test how easy it is to restore a folder. I am currently backing up my entire C: drive to google drive. Here is my use case:

  • I accidentally delete a folder called “Folder A” on my computer.
  • I go to my backup software and I want to restore it in its original location or to a new folder (e.g., to my desktop).
  • I can click on the latest revision, select “Folder A”, and restore it to my computer.
  • I now have my files back, and can do whatever I want with them.
  • On next backup, these restored files will be backed up as normal files

Right now I am unable to restore any files to my computer as I have the entire harddrive backed up. I get the “The repository directory or any of its subdirectories cannot be used to save restored files”. Programming wise, I don’t see why this is an issue, but I have not looked into how the revisions combine to restore the original files.

For my given use case above, would it be possible to support this? This is one of the key functionalities from my original backup solution using crashplan. I have not tried plugging in an external harddrive (I assume this would allow me to restore any/all folders), but for fast backups, it would me more ideal to directly restore to the original drive.

The current GUI version doesn’t allow you to restore to the same repository or any of its subdirectories. The new GUI version (available by the end of this week) will allow you to restore to the same repository.

An alternative is to run the CLI version which can be found under the same directory as the Duplicacy GUI executable:

cd c:\
\path\to\duplicacy\cli restore -r revision "folderA/*"

Thank you! I am excited for the release.