Returned status code 429 in WEBDAV when check job

Use windows web version.
One storage used service with WEBDAV only support. I set backup “-threads 10” option and backup working fine. But with check job have a trouble - webdav get errors.

2019-06-22 21:43:22.792 INFO SNAPSHOT_CHECK Listing all chunks
2019-06-22 21:43:27.112 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/20/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:27.904 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/20/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:29.284 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/20/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:34.362 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/27/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:35.686 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/9a/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:36.468 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/47/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:37.992 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/be/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:39.393 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/59/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:40.407 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/ee/' returned status code 429
2019-06-22 21:43:42.132 INFO WEBDAV_RETRY URL request 'PROPFIND chunks/c6/' returned status code 429

If I understand correctly, the error is due to a very large number of threads to the service.
In check options i not found “threads” ( if i try use “-threads 10” option - got error)
How can I reduce the number of threads?

The check command uses only one thread to list all chunks. The 429 errors meant Duplicacy was sending the directory listing requests too fast (all from one thread). But there is nothing to worry about, as the WEBDAV backend retries on 429 errors with random backoff delays.