Hiya, i’ve got 3 licenses for Windows, and i’ll soon buy another for my Linux unRAID NAS. I currently run Borg on my Linux desktop, but i have decided to switch to Duplicacy. I was immensely proud of myself for creating my first (and only) BASH scripts to backup, check and prune my Borg repositories. And i also created my only systemd service and timer to automate the backup to happen at a certain time, or if that time was missed then the next boot. It even pops up a desktop notification - green/orange/red depending on how the backup went (and that notification even stays put if red!). I want to retain the only bit of ‘programming’ i’ve done since some very simple DOS batch files in the 90s. I’m not a programmer, and that was an immense effort
(yeah, i’m proud of it.)
I’m struggling to find more complete guides for Duplicacy, or other people’s examples of their implementation for Linux. I know there’s some instructions on the forum, like here and here. But they’re more “here’s some available options” rather than complete examples. I feel like i’m flying blind
Are there people here with experience running on Linux that could share their setup and/or scripts? I find it easier to see what other people have done, understand where i do, or ask questions where i don’t. And then research further options for my preferences and make adjustments.
I hope there’s people who are happy to share what they’ve done for their systems.