Separate Preferences from cache

My cache folder is 16gb. I’m not sure if this is an appropriate size or not, but as my configured prune command doesn’t seem to change its size, I’m assuming so, although strangely my prune command doesn’t leave a collection folder either.

Right now I kind of work around this by setting up a “fake duplicacy root” on a scratch disk with symlinks to my monitored folders. This is mainly so I can be selective about the folders to backup, but it also lets me place my cache elsewhere.

However the downside is that this places the preferences file on the scratch disk too which I’m not too comfortable with.

Is therefore it possible to keep ONLY the cache somewhere separate from the .duplicacy preferences/init, eg a scratch disk? It seems that this would mitigate a lot of “cache too big” questions.

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I fully agree. This is a subject that has appeared here a few times. And allow me to complete: not just the cache. I think the following folders should be placed outside the settings folder:

.duplicacy / cache
.duplicacy / logs
.duplicacy / collection

I redirect the output of the execution to my own logs folder. But for the other two, I have no way to configure it, or I would have to use symlinks, as you did. I think the three parameters (folder locations) should be configurable.

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It occurred to me that I might not be using duplicacy as intended (my setup is pretty old), in that the fakeroot-symlinks-to-monitored-folders might be restricting me.

So even though my current setup works well, I’m going to start from scratch to see if I gain any insight.

Failing that, I guess I will just symlink the cache folder away.