I’ve successfully done multiple backups from 2 machines (one osx, one linux) to my ubuntu home server via sftp and I’ve added to the repo from other disks on the server. All went well, deduplication worked very well.
I’m now adding to the repo from a another linux box, a backup of the home folder has worked well but I’ve added a second backup of some more extraneous stuff (/etc, /root and /opt) and its failed twice with this error:
Skipped chunk 3276 size 2318118, 42.19MB/s 00:00:12 97.2%
Failed to upload the chunk ad4cd25bd3e7849b19ce948d7844c94e39b510f9b4f69e8f29e408ab3ced5ae3: sftp: "Permission denied" (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED)
Incomplete snapshot saved to /duplicacy/.duplicacy/incomplete
This is duplicacy linux cli 2.09 transferring files via sftp over a gigabit wired connection . There is a duplicacy user setup on the server in a chroot that’s only allowed to do sftp. duplicacy is running as root on the client and sftp’ing as duplicacy user on the server. The chroot on the server is in a zfs mirror.
It’s worked well, current repo size is 1.1tb. So it seems unlikely to be a simple permissions issue on the server, which has me wondering what the problem file is that that failed chunk came from - is there a way to find out?