Hi guys, new Duplicacy user here. I’m trying to upload my 8tb of data to Backblaze via Duplicacy web UI. My internet upload speed is 40-45Mbps. Several days the upload speed was between 2MB and 5 MB per second. My assumption is that max can be 8MB (40/5 ). But it was hanging at 2MB almost always. Then after the restart of backup today it shows the speed 140 MB/s which is cool but not realistic with the speed of my internet?
I tried threads 2,8, 50 (as was mentioned in this forum) but I didn’t see any difference is the speed.
So with 2MB/s it said that the backup will be done in a month.
Any suggestions what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
45Mbps is 5.6MBps, theoretically, with nobody else using the connection, and no overhead. You shall expect about 3-5MB per second upload speed.
Sounds about right. How did you measure this?
Where did 5 come from? There are 8 bytes in a bit, not 5.
Duplicacy shows effective backup speed. Chunks, that are already uploaded, are not uploaded again. This number therefore reflects CPU speed and connection latency. It does not show upstream channel utilization. For this you need to use OS tools or your gateway stats.
No difference in effective speed or actual speed? Effective speed for existing chunks would not change of course, it’s already limited by CPU.
Check actual channel utilization using os tools or gateway. If you are saturating your upstream connection bufferbloat may be affecting performance.
Next, connection latency affects throughput as well, with default 4MB chunk size connection overhead may represent significant portion of the time spent. Check latency from your device to Backblaze endpoints. Unless you are close to their datacenters I would not expect good performance. And that’s in addition to your ISP connection latency. Of course, you can hide latency by increasing number of upload threads — but then see above about bufferbloat.
If it takes a month — let it take a month. Unless you can bootstrap the backup from a faster connection
Thank you for clarifying all my questions! It is much clearer now.