[SOLVED] Licence expired 5 years early

I purchased 4 licenses a few months ago and have been happily backing up since.

Today, Duplicacy tells me Invalid or expired license when I try to back up. It also tells me This computer is running with a personal license that will expire on 2025-04-18.. The other three licenses still work fine. What’s going on?

This can happen if the computer loses the internet connection or can’t visit https://duplicacy.com when the web GUI is trying to ‘refresh’ the license (which is done once per month). The log file ~/.duplicacy-web/logs/duplicacy_web.log should contain an error message explaining why it failed to refresh the license.

perhaps can take inspiration from the way Let’s Encrypt does expiration / renewals — the LE certs are valid for 3 months but quite early on (1.5 months in?) it will to renew and notify on fail but that isn’t fatal and will keep on trying (and issue more and more emails updating on situation if closer to deadline)

Wait. Duplicacy Web requires internet access to keep working? What if I want to backup machines that don’t connect to the internet?

This is right. Somewhat surprisingly I haven’t received any complaints/requests about this (unlike my other software Acrosync which was built with the same licensing system). I guess that is because most users use Duplicacy for cloud backup so a constant internet connection is not an issue.


I’m not sure what the cause of it was, but I went through the storage setup again and the backup picked up where it left off. The schedule was lost, though, and along with having to setup storage again makes me think some settings file somewhere got nuked.

All good now, though. Thanks for the quick response!