Storj credentials

When using Storj there are 3 options to generate keys:

I’ve used S3 credentials with Storj with no issues in the past

For the “access grant” type it just gives a hex key, without a label.

For the “S3 credentials” type it provides an access key and a secret key.

For the “API Key” type it provides a satellite address and a restricted key.

I’m trying to initialize a storage using the storj:// pattern but the init command prompt asks:

Enter API access key:
Enter the passphrase:

I’ve tried several combinations and it doesn’t work… what am I missing?

Using Duplicacy 3.1.0 (27FF3E).

It is the “API key” type. Then use the satellite address in the url, and the key is for the API access key.


Enter API access key: = restricted key

What about Enter the passphrase: ?

The passphrase is what you use to encrypt the bucket (by Storj). I think there is an option to select a passphrase when you create a bucket.

Oh, ok! Thanks!