Strip the executable in release

The executables available for download in release contains quite a lot of debug symbols.

On my x86_64 computer, stripping them using strip --strip-unneeded -x duplicacy saves me 7MB of space.

Not much, but still I think it is better to strip them, since nobody use these executables in release to debug duplicacy anyway.

7MB of space.

7MB is literally nothing, very low cost for high reward, which is possibility to triage issues in place. If that size savings is important to you ā€“ which is hard to imagine why? ā€“ of course you can strip it yourself.

since nobody use these executables in release to debug duplicacy anyway.

Iā€™m that nobody. When the issue occurs it is not always feasible to reproduce. Looking at the application state with symbols can be invaluable. The more debug information is included the better.


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