Support for Proton Drive

Are there any plans to add Proton Drive as a backup provider? I see that rclone has made a way to backup and I would love to see this happen so that I can finally de-googlefi.

Few thoughts (my opinion only, I’m not Duplicacy developer and don’t influence roadmap)

  1. Proton drive does not offer official api. Anything that is built reverse engineering the protocol will be doomed to perpetual instability. I don’t think it’s a good idea to destabilize duplicacy for very dubious benefits in return. If proton releases go bindings with support — then maybe it can be revisited.
  2. As you said, since rclone already has beta support, you can use rclone serve as transport via pre and post duplicacy scripts.
  3. Proton Drive is significantly overpriced and quite pointless: duplicacy already provides end to end encryption, and there other much cheaper and faster storage providers. Furthermore, being the drive provider, it will likely to suffer from the same shotcumind other drive services exhibit supporting this abnormal usecase (access to massive number of small files). It wasn’t designed for this, and if any issues arise, users will be on their own.
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For those who have a Proton Family membership for Proton mail, VPN and other services, the 3TB that’s included would be perfect to store Duplicacy backups.
I totally get it’s no priority though, it is pretty niche.

I agree, I’m a visionary user and get 6TB but I’m tired of paying for Google Drive. I’m going to switch over for backblaze for my server backups that use duplicacy, just would be nice to push to Proton