Suppress creation of prune logs?

I have Duplicacy CLI set up, along with a bunch of wrapper scripts, for about 2 years now. I recently finished off some parts that I didn’t fully integrate, like prune. I capture all the output and create & manage my own log files, and I recently discovered that prune is now always also creating its own log files in .duplicacy/logs. Is there any way to disable that? It seems very inconsistent that that’s the only command with that behavior (force creating its own logs), I’d expect it to only log if an argument to do so was given. I’d prefer not to resort to setting that dir as read only or deleting it from my wrappers, but will do so if needed.


by default Duplicacy always produces a prune log and saved it under the .duplicacy/logs folder
Missing Chunks · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub

and Prune operation creates spurious (empty) log file


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How large are these log files in total? I would suggest keeping them if it doesn’t bother you too much – they are very helpful when you have missing chunks.

Since these log files are named by date, it should be easy to write a script to remove files that are too old.

Hi, it’s not so much that there’s a large number of them, more so that they exist at all. I’m already logging all the standard output to a different log directory (for backup, check, prune, etc), that adds in more info (that I’m creating from stdout). It was easy enough to just add a line to my prune wrapper script to delete these other files, but ideally it’d be better to have the option to not have them generated in the first place.

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