Synolody DS218j - Armada38x


I stumbled onto Duplicacy in search of something other than HyperBackup as while it works, seems to be really really slow. I’d like to demo Duplicacy and see how it would work for my use case but I’m not seeing a download available for the Armada38x cpu in the DS218j that I have. Is there a technical reason why there isn’t a download available for it or just an oversite?

Thank you.

512MB of ram is vastly insufficient to run even the DSM itself. You would not want to run any apps, let alone duplicacy, on that device.

You can run duplicacy on another host in the network and use NAS for its intended purpose — serve files. I would not even avoid SMB, and stick to nfs at this point

That said, your NAS is 32-bit arm v7. I believe there is 32 bit arm duplicacy release?

You may want to refer to this to configure: Duplicacy Web on Synology Diskstation without Docker | Trinkets, Odds, and Ends

But I still strongly recommend not to. 512MB is vastly insufficient.

Thanks for the prompt reply saspus.

Yes, the NAS is lacking but it is currently doing it’s job, serving files via SMB to 5 users. I am recommending that the small business owner upgrade to a newer none “J” series to get more cores, more RAM and the ability to run docker which opens up more options for backups potentially. But if that isn’t an option, I’m looking at how I can support them currently.

I tired every download available for Synology and the generic duplicacy_web_linux_arm_1.8.3, no luck.

I’ll check out the link you referenced and see if I can make heads or tails out of it.

I checked the armadaxp and armada370 versions are for Synology NAS’s that are also lacking in the computer/RAM department. I just though it strange that armada38x isn’t offered am wondering why?

armadaxp (RS814 1GB, DS414 1GB, DS214+ 1GB, DS214 512MB)
Armada370 (DS213j 512MB, DS216se 256MB, DS215j 256MB, RS214 512MB, DS414slim 512MB, DS214se 256MB, DS114 512MB)

While the experience may not be optimal, at least I could demo it and see if I’m heading down the correct path.

Thanks again for your time.