Synology packages for testing

I have a DS920+ and the Gemini Lake worked for me… the Celeron J4125 is Gemini Lake. That said, the x64 package naming vs Gemini Lake naming is confusing because I’m pretty sure the J4125 runs x86-64.

That said, the x64 package naming vs Gemini Lake naming is confusing because I’m pretty sure the J4125 runs x86-64.

That naming comes from Synology toolchains that match SoC names, whether there is need for that or not – there could be differences in available API in DSM, so they keep separate toolchains for each architecture; for Duplicacy this is immaterial however – it can run natively, so the packaging it simply provides a convenient way to distribute it. Just like docker for duplicacy is nothing but distribution channel – it does not benefit from anything else docker provides – it’s already self-contained native executable without dependencies.

However since (I presume) synology won’ let you install package targeted to “different” architecture duplciacy has to exist in all flavors. Inside of course is the same linux x64 (or arm64) executable.
I wonder if synology tools can build one fat SPK containing all flavors of the software…

@gchen Also, are these considered safe for use or are they just for testing at this point?

These packages should be safe for use, as the web GUI executable is the same one from the download page. As I said earlier in this thread my only concern was that there could be some bugs in the control scripts that went into the packages but such bugs should not have catastrophic consequences.

It’s working very well for me so far on my DS918+.

Haven’t yet tested restores, but I’ve migrated my backup jobs from my Macbook to my Synology without any issues. It’s already run a couple of days of schedules just fine, including adding a new large backup job.

I’ll be testing the restore functionality today, but barring any large issues there I’m going to keep using these Synology packages.

Thanks! What do you mean by control scripts?

By control scripts I meant the scripts to start/stop the web GUI and other stuff that are required to work with the Synology Package Center.

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Does it matter after the initial upload? Isn’t most of the post-seeding workload more reasonable?

Good question. I hope it’s running in some magic readonly-root mode

Same here - but keeping those permissions set for that separate user is a major pain in the… neck. :wink:

I’m just about ready to look into running under Docker just so that I can have it mount the volume as readonly and be done with it. Are the Docker problems really that bad?

Do you have a package for the v1000 format? I have a Synology 1821+ and I tried the x64 version, but it’s not compatible.


I’ll build a v1000 package.

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Great. I was just going to inquire about V1000 package for DS1621+/DS1821+.
This model allows 32GB of RAM.
Thank you.


When do you expect the package for V1000?
Thank you.

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I added a link to the v1000 package in the first post.

Apollolake package, DSM 6.2, v1.5 package link is working well on my DS918+.

Perhaps as an alternative to the main Synology package center the packages could be added to the community repo if the main package center is taking too long:


Thank you. I will be testing on DS1621+

New user here running apollolake. As I’m testing this for my first time, I’ve created and deleted many storage and backup profiles, so that the Dashboard chart labeled “New Revisions” is cluttered with many non-existent names.

How can I clean these up. I’ve already deleted the cache chunks associated with these (some were never run as I had to delete and restart due to typos and other input errors).

Thanks all!

EDIT1: OK… Figured this out. In a way… Deleted all stats. Maybe that’s not the best way to do this but it seemed simpler than editing all stats individually.

@gchen Is it possible to re-release packages for the latest DSM update? Duplicacy no longer runs at all, sadly. (edit: false statement)

Edit: I spoke too soon. I was unable to stop Duplicacy via command line synopkg commands, so instead I tried re-installing from the version that is currently installed and now it at least starts, but re-installing wiped the Duplicacy setup so now I have to start from scratch again

Edit 2: I found this post:

and it appears that after the reinstall of Duplicacy Web here that as long as you point it to the same storage and use the same backup IDs, everything continues to work as intended.

I am using Synology packages on DS1019 and DS1621. So far, working well.
I did get error “missing chunks” on check today. On my search to fix, I found post that says to clear the cache. Where is the cache on the synology NAS and how would I clear it? Thanks.

The cache should be under /volume1/DuplicacyWebEdition/repositories/localhost/all/.duplicacy/cache. Just remove this directory in an ssh terminal.