The web GUI is no longer working after the update

Hello there,

I updated the web GUI and now I can not access the web GUI. I am using saspus/duplicacy-web docker on my NAS.

The log is the follow: runing as user root:root(0:0),
Using machine-id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
duplicacy_web runing as user root:root(0:0),
Logging tail of the log from this moment on,
Starting duplicacy,
g directory set to /logs,
Duplicacy Web Edition 1.3.0 (FE1BCB),
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Failed to get the value from the keyring: keyring/dbus: Error connecting to dbus session, not registering SecretService provider: dbus: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS not set,
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Failed to decrypt the testing data using the password from KeyChain/Keyring: crypto/aes: invalid key size 0,
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Temporary directory set to /cache,
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Schedule xxxx_job next run time: 2020-0608 03:00,
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Schedule xxxx_job next run time: 2020-0607 03:00,
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Schedule xxxx_job next run time: 2020-0608 06:00,
2020/06/06 16:18:12 Duplicacy Web Edition 1.3.0 (FE1BCB),
2020/06/06 16:18:14 Duplicacy CLI 2.5.2,

Any advice about the error…

The log shows that the master password isn’t set. You can set it via the web GUI or by passing the password in an environment variable named DWE_PASSWORD.

If you can’t access the web GUI, make sure the ip address and port are correct.