Threads in the gui

Hello, can I get a quick explanation on the threads and rate limit settings in the gui?

Threads is the number of uploading threads. Rate limit is the maximum total upload speed in kilobytes per second. For instance if you want to limit the upload speed to 1MB/s, then enter 1024 in the Threads box.

Note that the actual upload speed may be significantly higher than the rate limit due to compression and deduplication.

OK Thanks. As far as “uploading threads” go… what is that? Is this some sort of concurrent connection?

When I do a normal command line sftp operation I am not familiar with any sort of thread thing so I am just trying to get a handle on it.

Thanks for your patience!

Yes, the number of uploading threads is the number of concurrent connections to the storage. That is used to upload multiple chunks simultaneously, one chunk per connection. Usually you want to many threads to max out your upload bandwidth.

Usually you want to many threads to max out your upload bandwidth.

If that is so, why is the default setting in the GUI = 1?

If that is so, why is the default setting in the GUI = 1?

As I posted in another topic here, setting threads to > 1 for a local backup does not actually increase speed. It is only useful for certain remote backups to saturate your bandwidth, if that’s desired.

So, for most people first trying it out with a local backup, the default setting is likely best.