Trial reset request

Hello there, I’ve tried Duplicacy about a month ago without success. (I had many scrolling problems, so I uninstalled it.) I wanted to give it a second try today but it seems like the trial has expired. Would it be possible to reset it? I didn’t find the option to send the staff team a private message. Thank you in advance.

I presume you could just remove the .duplicacy-web folder to restart the trial?

You could try, but no, this is not enough.

Weird - worked for me :man_shrugging:

That… defeats the whole point of having the limited trial period if users can extend it indefinitely, does not it :smiley: I’m wondering if this is a bug or a feature.

Relevant discussion: License rejected after O/S change - #4 by saspus

I agree it does defeat the point - I mean, it would be annoying to have to recreate this folder/settings file all the time, and I’m sure you can script it etc, but I guess it’s a byproduct of trial only being “monitored” locally and not by “passes” handed out by a central server?