UI Permissions Issue

I am running the GUI version on my DC VM, which I want to backup all my user profile folders. My Administrator account does NOT have access to the profile folders for security purposes.

If I force the GUI to open using the ‘System’ account it can back everything up fine.

Is there something I am missing between the GUI and the Service?

This is similar to File access problems. I’ll report back what I find.

Hi Rob,
I"m having the same issue.

When you say you open it using “System”, how did you do that? I’ve tried right-click and Run As Administrator, but it makes no difference.


Have a look at the top answer on this StackOverflow article.

I use the psexec.exe utility to open a command prompt (cmd.exe) under the credentials of the “Local System” account. I then launch the Duplicacy GUI app from this command prompt, which then is running as “Local System”

Rob, the Duplicacy service should be able to backup user folders. Just make sure the service is run under Local System not Local Service.

To configure the Duplicacy service, run the Duplicacy application as administrator and then exit the application (make sure the tray icon is gone). The Duplicacy application when run as administrator pauses the service on start, and resumes it on exit.