Unable to backup to B2


I’ve purchased 2x commercial licenses for Duplicacy and am planning to use them with BlazeBack B2 storage.

I setup the Duplicacy application using the guides (including adding the ProxyServer registry entry) and enter my B2 account details (Bucket Name, Account ID and Application Key) and then get the following error message:

ERROR Failed to load the Backblaze B2 storage at b2://Adminbackup: Post https://api.backblazeb2.com/b2api/v1/b2_authorize_account dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I’ve tried this on both servers and received the same error message, I’m using the latest version of Duplicacy (2.0.9) and the logging doesn’t give me any clues as to the real issue:

13:20:53.000    Command: duplicacy -background -log -d info -repository "E:" "b2://Adminbackup"
13:20:53.787    Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_B2_ID
13:20:53.787    Reading the environment variable DUPLICACY_B2_KEY

I can’t find any further logs within the install directory or ProgramData. Servers are both running WS2012 R2. The B2 account exists (as do the buckets).

The ProxyServer registry entry is only used by the GUI to contact our license server. To set the proxy for the CLI version, you need to set the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY in Windows.