Unable to use duplicacy after reinstalling Windows

Good evening everyone,
I’m having some trouble to get duplicacy to work after having to reinstall Windows.
I was backing my HDD, which has not been formatted and therefore kept the .duplicacy folder, to STORJ.
I’ve added duplicacy to PATH and tried to duplicacy list, was asked the API Access Key, passphrase and password. Console said The storage has not been initialized so I tried duplicacy init <storage id> <storj:satellite adress/duplicacy bucket> and received The repository has already been initialized, then tried duplicacy list again and was asked the storage password again, receiving again that The storage has not been initialized.

I’m confused about what I’m doing wrong, might be the wrong password? I’m using the password I chose for the bucket on STORJ, but I’m unsure wether it could be another password since I set this up quite time ago.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

If you provide wrong credentials to storj backend the bucket will look empty.

Verify that you have correct credentials to access storj bucket. Connect to it with Cyberduck and confirm you see duplicacy files, including the config file there.

Good evening,
I’m trying with cyberduck, but is unclear to me which one is each of the options I’m given to log in. I’ve tried a few combinations and didn’t manage to enter.
After checking the documentation I’m assuming that I have to use Amazon S3 and in server I must place gatewat.eu1.storjshare.io. Where I’m unsure is between “Access Key ID” and “Secret Access Key”.

I stored all I needed to log in my password manager, and I’ve got the Storj URL (storj:storj satellite adress/duplicacy bucket), the Storj satellite adress, and the Storj API Access Key. Then I’ve got both Storj and duplicacy passphrases (I assume the latest is unnecesary for this).

My problem is that I actually don’t know what each one is.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Oh my bad, I did not realize that Cyberduck does not support the native integration, only s3.

Try FileZilla instead: Setting Up FileZilla for File Transfer - Storj Docs

Or alternatively, generate new credentials at storj: they will ask for the encryption key to see the bucket, and if you do see the data — the encryption key is correct.

Good evening,
I’ve tried with FileZilla as you suggested. I created new credentials with Access Grant and managed to enter; I can see the duplicacy folder with both chunks and snapshots inside. Therefore I’m assuming my passphrase was indeed correct.

However, these credentials are different than the ones I used, Access Grant provides only one “direction” but instead I have both the Satellite Adress and API Key.

What confuses me is the use of each one when setting everything up in duplicacy. In the past it worked, since I tried recovering my backup on another computer.

Again, thanks for answering.

You have three: satellite address, api key (created with the permissions to use the correct bucket) and the passphrase to access data — all data on storj is end to end encrypted, it’s not possible not to have the passphrase. Furthermore, there may also be duplicacy’s own encryption key if you used one.

Here is a good write up on how to configure duplicacy with storj — you can look up which key goes where. How to use Duplicacy to backup to Storj cloud storage | Linux tutorials

After checking the tutorial I think I know what I messed up.
I believe I placed the duplicacy passphrase when I was asked the STORJ one and viceversa, problem is that when I try to duplicacy list for example, I’m asked for the storage password (which I believe is the duplicacy passphrase). However, I placed that one when asked for the STORJ one and now I can’t find anyway to go back and change it.

Any idea?
Thanks again!

Dunno anything about STORJ, but for Duplicacy if you need to change the password, you’ll have to drop to the command line to do that.

From what I understand, that command is made to de-encrypt with the old password and re-encrypt with a new one.
I don’t want to change the password, my problem is that I can’t get duplicacy to ask me the password again, it just “logs” with the API Access Key and the (wrong) passphrase I typed in.

I would need to “reset” the login.
Thanks for answering!

Edit: I managed to “log out” and then I could use the proper credentials. I just had to delete de .duplicacy folder on the storage folder and then init again. I might be wrong, but from my understanding I believe it should not break anything.