Unraid apps folder will not 100% backup

I want to keep the whole of my appdata folder intact. I’m finding the following issues…
1: Empty folders are not been backed up. Nothing is excluded in the Duplicacy GUI.
2: I get this error…
2024-11-23 12:28:25.549 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory PostgreSQL_Immich/: open /appdatafol/PostgreSQL_Immich: permission denied

This was the first backup of the appdata folder (Rev1 -hash)

How can I get a 1:1 backup please?


  1. Empty folders are being backed up, but may not show up in web ui, as far as I remember: Empty folders are not backed up? GUI version - #2 by gchen
  2. You can’t backup running databases. You would need to exclude them from backup. To backup databases you have two options:
    1. export them to a file using database vendor tools and backup that file, OR
    2. Stop the applications that use database, stop database, abs then backup.
      Further reading: PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: Chapter 25. Backup and Restore

If your filesystem on unraid is zfs, the best approach is to take a filesystem snapshot and have duplicacy backup contents of that snapshot. This will solve access issues with other potentially locked non-database files, and ensure your backup is an actual point-in-time backup

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I’ve found the “Appdata Backup” plugin good and straightforward. Makes a snapshot of appdata at night, then I only need Duplicacy to backup that snapshot.

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This works great for me also.

This will address consistency, but not coherency: your Postgres database will be captured at the state consistent with the rest of the data but the state itself may be corrupted, if database was running at the time of backup. See the link above on how to properly backup running databases.

Btw you could utilize duplicacy ‘s pre- and post- backup scripts to capture and destroy the snapshot (and even export database dump), but I guess that app you referenced albeit being an overkill shall do the trick too.

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or do ZFS snapshots on the cache drive. i have this running nightly on my appdata and my vms.

For corruption prevention stopped the appdata Backup Plugin any Docker Container before started Backup and started again after that. (In Default Option)