UNRAID Duplicacy Restore Fails

Hello, I am running the Web GUI version on my UNRAID server. I attempted my first restore and all selections result in the following error. Do I need to add additional permissions on all my user shares? If so, can you please provide the cmdlet? I have tried several different restore options but same error code.

The restore command encountered an error:
Failed to create the preference directory: mkdir /mnt/user/Restores/.duplicacy: read-only file system

Exit code: 100

I resolved my own issue by settings the user container paths from Read-Only to Read-Write under the Docker settings for Duplicacy. :shushing_face:

I’m getting exit code 100 but its saying “failure to change uid or gid”. I think its because Duplicacy isn’t a privileged, but i’m not sure.

-ignore-owner                 do not set the original uid/gid on restored files

See restore · gilbertchen/duplicacy Wiki · GitHub

so the -ignore-owner worked but the files it restored have the wrong UID and GID so I cant view them. I went into the CLI and changed them to a user I had permissions with and that worked.

I wonder if it would be better to make a user in Unraid for Duplicacy then change the Docker UID and GID to that user. Then I could give myself access the that share as well. Any thoughts?

Right now the Docker has the UID and GID of nobody.

Right. Some containers floating around support specifying user id. If you only backup single user’s files you can set that to that user.

Otherwise, if you backup data of multiple users, you want to run duplicacy as a superuser to both backup and restore; and actually be able to restore original user permissions on files.

Third way is to to have separate duplicacy user for backup, and give it access to data it needs to read, but restore with a different user (or even different instance of container).

If you have apparmor enabled, then everything gets exponentially more difficult because now containers run in a different namespace so that users don’t match and root is remapped too.