Unrecognized public key

Please describe what you are doing to trigger the bug:
I am trying to set up a repository using the new RSA encryption feature

duplicacy init -e -key public.pem repository_id storage_url

The public.pem is a pretty standard

gpg --export --armor key_id > public.pem

Please describe what actually happens (the wrong behaviour):
Get the message:

unrecognized public key in public.pem

Tried with absolute path and relative paths to key file won’t make a difference.

I am using the pre-build duplicacy_linux_x64_2.3.0
What is my mistake here?:slight_smile:

The key needs to be in the PEM format. It is possible to convert a GPG key to an RSA public key in the PEM format, but I would just generate the keys using the following commands:

openssl genrsa -des -out private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in private.pem  -pubout -out public.pem

Thank you! The solution was actually in the RSA encryption announcement but I just missed it. Thanks again

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I updated the announcement after your question (and @gchen answer) here. :wink:

Thanks for pointing this out.

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Still a helpful answer after all these years, thank you!