Vertical backup license not working

Hi, sorry if I write on the Duplicacy forum by the Vertical forum seems not working anymore.

We have a problem with a license of Vertical backup and we cannot perform ESXi VM backups right now.

Our account for the customer area seems not working anymore and there’s no way to create a new one.

What should we do?

Pinging @gchen for a response.

Dunno if there’s a current issue with the licencing system, but in the past all I’ve had to do is to visit the customer page, login, update the Host ID and activate it from the ESXi shell.

Obviously, you’re having difficulty login in - have you tried the Forgot password? link? I can confirm, our own login works, so the site’s still functioning…

It has been resolved now. I pushed a minor change to hosted on Google App Engine. A previously optional key, app_engine_apis, seems to have become mandatory at some point, even though the official doc still says it is optional. After this key is added, everything went back to normal.

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