Webdav Trace Error - "Moved Permanently"

Hello everyone,

I recently added a Hetzner storage destination and have started seeing these errors in the logs. Duplicacy has read/write access to all applicable folders, so I am not sure if this is just noise, or indicative of a problem.

Check is running successfully.

2022-04-16 20:04:04.460 TRACE WEBDAV_MKDIR Can't create directory snapshots: Moved permanently; error ignored
2022-04-16 20:04:04.617 TRACE WEBDAV_MKDIR Can't create directory chunks: Moved permanently; error ignored
2022-04-16 20:08:03.412 TRACE WEBDAV_MKDIR Can't create directory chunks/0f: Moved permanently; error ignored

It’s probably this 308 Permanent Redirect - HTTP | MDN. Not really an “error”.

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